A.   Resisting Police Officer:
      1.   Definitions:
    OBSTRUCTION OF: This term shall, in addition to its common meaning, include:
         a.   Flight by one sought to be arrested before the arresting officer can restrain him and after notice is given that he is under arrest;
         b.   Any violence toward, or any resistance or opposition to, the arresting officer after the arrested party is actually placed under arrest and before he is under arrest; or
         c.   Refusal by the arrested party to give his name and make his identity known to the arresting officer.
   RESISTING AN OFFICER: The intentional opposition or resistance to, or obstruction of, an individual acting in his official capacity, and authorized by law to make a lawful arrest or seizure of property, or to serve any lawful process or court order, when the offender knows or has reason to know that the person arresting, seizing property, or serving process is acting in his official capacity.
      2.   Resisting Police Prohibited: It is unlawful to resist, oppose or assault, or in any way interfere with, a police officer or any person duly authorized to act as such, while the officer or person is discharging or attempting to discharge his official duties within the limits of the city.
      3.   Aid In Escape Or Eluding Police Prohibited: It is unlawful for any person to warn or signal another so as to assist such other person to flee, escape or evade an officer seeking to make an arrest or for any person to bar or lock any door or barrier in the face of or in front of an approaching officer. (1990 Code § 10-601)
   B.   Resisting Public Official: It is unlawful for any person knowingly or wilfully to:
      1.   Resist, oppose or obstruct the chief of police, any other police officer, the municipal judge, or any other officer or employee of the city in the discharge of his official duties;
      2.   Threaten or otherwise intimidate or attempt to intimidate any such officer or employee from the discharge of his official duties; or
      3.   Assault or beat, or revile, abuse, be disrespectful to, use abusive or indecent language toward or about, any such officer or employee while such officer or employee is in the discharge of his official duties. (1990 Code § 10-610)
   C.   Eluding Police Officer: Any operator of a motor vehicle who has received a visual and audible signal, a red light and a siren or a siren only from a police officer driving a motor vehicle showing the same to be an official police vehicle, directing the operator to bring his vehicle to a stop, and who wilfully increases his speed or extinguishes his lights in an attempt to elude such police officer, or who does elude such police officer, is guilty of an offense. (1990 Code § 10-611)