A.   Carrying Weapons; Exceptions: It is unlawful for any person to carry concealed upon or about his person any pistol, revolver, dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, spring type knife, metal knuckle, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument, except when doing so in line of duty or as may be permitted by law. (1990 Code § 10-305)
   B.   Reckless Conduct: It is unlawful for any person to engage in reckless conduct while having in his possession any shotgun, rifle or pistol, such actions consisting of creating a situation of unreasonable risk and probability of death or great bodily harm to another, and demonstrating a conscious disregard for the safety of another person. (1990 Code § 10-306)
   C.   Discharging Firearms; Exceptions: No person shall discharge any species of firearm in the city, except when doing so in the line of duty, when lawfully doing so in defense of oneself, of another person, or of property, or when otherwise authorized by law or ordinance.
   D.   Air Rifles; BB Guns; Exception: It is unlawful to discharge a rifle, firearm or BB gun in the city, except as authorized by state law or by ordinance. (1990 Code § 10-307)