A.   Sale To, Or Purchase By: It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, offer for sale, give away, procure for, or otherwise dispense to any minor any low point beer; or for any minor to purchase, receive or procure any low point beer. (1990 Code § 3-207; amd. 2004 Code)
   B.   Employment:
      1.   It is unlawful for any owner, manager, operator or employee of a place where low point beer is sold for consumption on the premises to employ a person under eighteen (18) years of age to work in such place, or for any person under eighteen (18) years of age to work in such place. This subsection B1 shall not apply to any licensed premises where sales of low point beer do not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the gross sales of the licensee. A parent, in regard to employment of his own child or children, is exempted from this subsection B1 so long as such employment in no way relates to sale or dispensing of low point beer.
      2.   It is unlawful for any minor to be employed or permitted to work in any capacity whatsoever in the separate or enclosed bar area of a place where the main purpose of the area is the sale or consumption of low point beer. This subsection B2 shall not apply to any area which has as its main purpose some objective other than the sale or serving of low point beer, in which sales or serving of low point beer are incidental to the main purpose. (1990 Code § 3-208; amd. 2004 Code)
   C.   Possession Prohibited: It is unlawful and an offense for any minor to be in possession of any low point beer while such person is on any public street, road or highway, or in any public building or place. (1990 Code § 3-209; amd. 2004 Code)
   D.   Allowing In Bar Prohibited; Exceptions:
      1.   The owner of any bar, beer hall, tavern, or other place wherein any low point beer is dispensed for consumption on the premises shall not permit any minor to be admitted to, enter or to remain in, a separate enclosed bar area of the licensed premises which has as its main purpose the selling or serving of low point beer for consumption on the premises unless the person's legal guardian or parent is present, nor shall any minor enter or remain about such separate or enclosed bar area.
      2.   This subsection shall not prohibit minors from being admitted to, entering or remaining in, an area which has as its main purpose some objective other than the sale or serving of low point beer, in which sales or serving of low point beer is incidental to the main purpose, if the minors are not sold or served or do not consume low point beer. (1990 Code § 3-210; amd. 2004 Code)