An average vehicle ridership goal shall be established by a resolution of the city council for each employer participating in this program and is intended to measure progress toward a reduction in vehicle trips to the worksite. (Ord. 1482 § 1, 12-15-1992)
All employers both existing and proposed who meet the employee threshold criteria shall be responsible for the preparation and submittal of a transportation demand management plan. The plan shall be prepared to meet the average vehicle ridership goal. The plan shall include the following sections:
   A.   Employee profile of the business.
   B.   Existing average vehicle ridership.
   C.   Transportation demand management strategies selected for implementation.
   D.   Implementation timetable.
   E.   Monitoring program.
   F.   Contact person or commute coordinator. (Ord. 1482 § 1, 12-15-1992)
The following strategies should be considered when developing employer based transportation demand management plans or as part of the design of new projects or the remodeling of existing development:
   A.   Rideshare Programs: The establishment of a carpool/vanpool program for the employer (if practical) or the participation in an existing carpool/vanpool matching service. The designation of parking spaces, located as close as is practical to each entrance or at other preferential locations within the employee parking area, for use by carpool and vanpool vehicles can be part of this program. These spaces, may be reserved and designated for carpool/vanpool parking by marking such spaces "carpool only".
   B.   Park And Ride Lots: The establishment of park and ride lots on or near the development project site or at satellite locations should be coordinated with public transit routing or carpool/vanpool services.
   C.   Bicycle Programs: Bicycle racks may be provided for use by employees who commute to the site by bicycle. The bicycle parking area may be established in a secure location and be in close proximity to employee entrances. Provision of connections to existing and planned on street and off street bike trails may also be incorporated into the site plans. Development projects may also wish to include shower facilities into their facility design.
   D.   Transit Service Programs: Transit waiting shelters, including bus pullouts, bus pads and right of way for bus stops may be provided for development projects located along established or proposed bus routes. The applicability of this provision shall be determined in conformance with standard traffic engineering principles including, but not limited to, the frequency and relative impact of blocked traffic due to stopped buses and the level of transit ridership at the location. Transit information services or employer based transit pass programs may also be considered as strategies.
   E.   Alternate Work Schedules: Employers may wish to establish flexible work hours, compressed workweeks or staggered work schedules which move commute trips out of the peak period (7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.).
   F.   Pedestrian Access: Sidewalks and other paved pathways may be provided on site to connect off site external pedestrian circulation systems (planned or existing) to the building site. Sidewalk locations may integrate existing and planned waiting shelters with building entrance(s).
   G.   Joint Access And Shared Parking: For applicable developments designed as a worksite, provision of joint access and shared parking across multiple parcels may be incorporated into project design to facilitate integration of TDM strategies.
   H.   Telecommunications: The employer's use of telecommunications, teleconferencing and telecommuting can be made a part of the strategy as it relates to the reduction in peak period trips to the worksite.
   I.   Commuter Information: An area within the facility may be provided to disseminate information on alternative transportation modes. This area shall be centrally located and accessible to all employees. The space shall be of sufficient size to provide information on alternative transportation modes, such as current maps, routes and schedules for public transit.
   J.   On Site Support Facilities: Mixed use developments which include such services as daycare, lunchrooms/cafeterias, banks, restaurants and retail uses. (Ord. 1482 § 1, 12-15-1992)