   A.   Short Title: This chapter may be referred to as the PORTERVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT RULES AND REGULATIONS. It may be amended by a majority vote of the city council of the city of Porterville, California.
   B.   Necessity: This chapter is enacted to protect the health, safety and peace, and to promote the welfare and convenience of the general public using the Porterville municipal airport, or affected by activities related to the airport by providing for the orderly conduct of activities on, or related to, the airport.
   C.   Authority: The provisions of these rules and regulations are intended to augment the existing laws of the state of California by the authority of title IX of the aeronautics act, Public Utilities Code sections 2100 et seq., the federal aviation regulations and this chapter. The city of Porterville, as owner of the airport, is directed by federal and state law to provide for the safe and efficient operation of the facility as a public airport, and to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the flying public.
   D.   Applicability: The provisions in these rules and regulations shall be applicable to any and all persons upon the airport, who lease or rent property directly from the city of Porterville, who have been granted any license or permit by the city of Porterville, and to any person(s) engaged in activities thereon. (Ord. 1652 § B, 4-20-2004)