A. Purpose Of Regulations: The regulations of industrial districts are designed to:
1. Meet the needs of the area's industrial economy by making available a wide range of suitable sites for most types of warehousing, manufacturing, assembly, repair, testing, research, and related activities;
2. Reserve such sites for industrial use by protecting them from encroachment by nonindustrial uses;
3. Differentiate between levels of industrial use intensity, objectionable influences, and requirements with respect to the city transportation and utility infrastructure; and
4. Provide for the use of the less intensive industrial districts as buffers between residential districts and more intensive industrial districts.
B. Districts Described: The individual districts are described as follows:
1. I-P Industrial Park District: The I-P district is intended primarily to provide an environment conducive to the development and protection of modern administrative facilities, research institutions, specialized manufacturing plants, and similar enterprises whose operations are contained entirely within buildings, and which are ordinarily free of environmental nuisances, and may be appropriately located together in a visually compatible setting.
2. I-1 Light Industrial District: The I-1 light industrial district is intended as an area in which light manufacturing, warehousing and wholesale servicing may be conducted but would not include the use of any material that would create a danger to the surrounding area through fires, explosion, noise, dust, smoke, odor, or water pollution.
3. I-2 Moderate Industrial District: This industrial district is intended primarily for the conduct of light manufacturing, assembling, and fabrication, and for warehousing, wholesale, and service uses which may generate relatively low levels of noise, odor, smoke, dust, or intense light. Industrial uses permitted may require good accessibility to air, rail or street transportation routes, but do not depend heavily on frequent personal visits of customers or clients. Provision is also made for outdoor operations, display, and storage.
4. I-3 Heavy Industrial District: In the I-3 heavy industrial district, it is intended that the land be used for heavy industrial and commercial enterprises which would, through necessary and unavoidable processes, create nuisance that would not be in harmony with residential and business. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
Uses permitted in the various industrial districts are as set forth in table 11-8-2.1. Meanings of symbols and references in the table are as follows:
A. Where an "X" appears in the column of a district, the use category listed to the right of the "X" is permitted as a use of right in that district;
B. Where an "S" appears in the column of a district, the use category listed to the right of the "S" is permitted only through the approval of a special use permit, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-17-4 of this title;
C. The letters preceding the general land use classifications, and the numbers preceding the individual use categories, relate directly to the corresponding system of identification in section 11-4-2 of this title; and
D. Where a cross reference number appears in the "Reference" column to the right of a particular use category, that category is subject to the requirements set forth in that section of this title or other location in the city code. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
I-P | I-1 | I-2 | I-3 | Uses | Section Reference |
I-P | I-1 | I-2 | I-3 | Uses | Section Reference |
(A) RESOURCE CATEGORIES (11-4-2A) | |||||
X | X | X | X | (1) Restricted Horticulture: Ornamental floriculture and nursery products (no building or structure) | |
X | X | X | X | (2) General Horticulture: Ornamental floriculture and nursery products (including building or greenhouse); food crops grown under cover | |
X | X | (3) Crop Production: Field crops; vegetables and melons; fruits and tree nuts | |||
X | X | (5) Livestock Production: Livestock grazing and accessory facilities | |||
X | X | (6) Animal Specialties: Dairy farms; poultry and eggs; animal specialties | |||
X | X | X | (7) On Premises Agricultural Processing: Crop preparation for market (on premises) | ||
X | X | X | (8) Off Premises Agricultural Processing: Crop preparation for market (off premises) | ||
S | S | S | (10) Mineral And Raw Material Mining: Stone; sand and gravel; clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals; miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals | ||
S | S | (1) Detached conventional single-family (5) modular home | 11-5-6C | ||
S | S | (8) Residential Care/Rehabilitative Centers: Includes community residential facilities serving persons in drug, alcohol, juvenile, child, parole, family shelters, battered spouse shelters, halfway houses, and other programs of treatment, care supervision, or rehabilitation in a residential setting | 11-5-6D | ||
X | X | X | X | (1) Administrative And Professional Offices: Insurance offices; real estate offices; investment offices; legal services; individual, family, and organizational social services; engineering, architectural, planning, and surveying services; accounting, auditing and bookkeeping; offices | |
X | X | X | X | (3) Research Services: Research and development laboratories; commercial testing laboratories; noncommercial educational, scientific, and social research organization | |
X | X | X | X | (4) Business Support Services: Farm labor and management services; advertising agencies; consumer credit and mercantile reporting, and collection agencies; blueprinting and photocopying; commercial photography, art, and graphics services; stenographic services; news syndicates; personnel services; computer and data processing services; management, consulting, and public relations services; detective agencies and protective services; business machines rental and repair; photo finishing laboratories; trading stamp service; auctioneering service (commission or fee basis); bail bonding; inventory computing; merchandise liquidator (contract basis); music distribution service (noncoin operated); repossession service; sign painting and lettering service; telephone answering service; medical and dental laboratories | |
S | S | (6) Child Daycare Center: Baby sitting bureau; daycare center; nursery and preschools (intended for employee use, may be internal to firm or as a separate use) | 11-5-6B | ||
X | X | X | (12) Laundry Services: Laundry, dry cleaning, garment, and supply services | ||
S | X | X | X | (13) Product Repair Services: Shoe repair and shine shops; hat cleaning shop; radio and television repair shops; household appliance repair; watch, clock, and jewelry repair; upholstery and furniture repair light welding repair; armature rewinding shop; bicycle repair shop; miscellaneous repair shops | |
S | S | (14) Restricted Consumer Services: Travel agency; photographic portrait studio; health clubs, spas, and reducing salons; rental of items for personal use; miscellaneous personal services; photocopy service; personal investigation service; recording studio; taxidermist; correspondence school; data processing school; business and secretarial schools; fine arts studio for professional work or teaching of art, photography, music, drama, or dance; miscellaneous educational services; miscellaneous social services; miscellaneous religious organizations; membership organizations | |||
X | X | X | X | (18) Restricted Eating Establishments: Cafeteria; coffee shop; restaurant | |
S | S | S | (24) Indoor Used Merchandise Sales: Antique store; pawnshop; miscellaneous used merchandise sales; auction rooms (retail, general merchandise) | ||
S | S | S | (25) Outdoor Sales: Plant nursery; farm produce market; flea market | ||
X | X | X | (26) Home Improvement Sales And Services: Home improvement center; paint, glass, and wallpaper stores; hardware store; lawn and garden supply store; floor covering store; drapery, curtain, and upholstery stores | ||
X | X | X | (27) Construction Sales And Services: Building construction contractor; heavy construction general contractor; electrical, plumbing, heating, carpentry, masonry, and other special building trade contractor; lumber and other building material dealer; used building materials dealer | ||
S | X | X | X | (28) General Maintenance Services: Ornamental shrub and tree service; window cleaning; disinfecting and exterminating services; janitorial services (contract basis); miscellaneous cleaning and maintenance services; vending machine supply and services; bottled liquefied petroleum gas dealer | |
S | X | X | X | (29) Oil And Gas Field Services: Oil and gas field exploration services | |
S | X | X | (30) Agricultural Supplies And Services: Soil preparation service; crop planting, cultivation, protection, and harvesting services; forestry services; farm supplies, feed, fertilizer, and agricultural chemicals | ||
X | X | (31) Low Impact Animal Services: Small animal hospital or veterinary clinic; pet grooming and training (indoor) | |||
S | X | X | (32) High Impact Animal Services: Large animal hospitals, and small animal hospitals with outdoor kennels; livestock services; boarding kennels; animal training (outdoor) | ||
S | S | S | (33) Light Vehicle Sales And Rentals: Automobile dealer; motorcycle dealer | ||
X | X | X | (34) Moderate Vehicle Sales And Rentals: Boat dealer; truck dealer; mobile home dealer; recreational and utility trailer dealer; motor home dealer | ||
X | X | X | (35) Heavy Vehicle Sales And Rentals: Construction and mining machinery and equipment; farm and garden machinery and equipment; aircraft dealer; truck dealer | ||
X | X | X | (36) Gasoline station | ||
X | X | X | (37) Gasoline station with convenience store | ||
S | X | X | (38) Truck stop | ||
X | X | X | (39) Light Motor Vehicle Maintenance: Automotive trim and upholstery shops; tire service; mechanical automotive repair shops; exhaust system service; glass replacement shop; radiator repair shop; transmission service; wheel alignment service; motor vehicle washing facility (self- service or automatic); automotive diagnostic and inspection services; motorcycle repair shop | ||
X | X | X | (40) Heavy Motor Vehicle Maintenance: Motor vehicle passenger transportation maintenance facilities; boat repair shop; aircraft service and repair facilities; automotive body and paint shops; major engine overhaul facilities; automotive repair shops; farm machinery repair shops | ||
S | X | X | (41) Outdoor Vehicle Storage: Storage yard for operable buses, trucks or recreational vehicles as principal use; automotive towing service with impoundment yard | ||
X | X | X | X | (42) Automobile Parking: Automobile parking lots and structures as principal use | Chapter 13 |
X | X | X | X | (43) Personal Storage Warehouse: Personal storage miniwarehouse | |
S | S | S | (44) Horse Stables: Horse grazing and stables; riding academy, and commercial rental of horses | ||
S | S | S | S | (45) Indoor Participant Recreation And Entertainment: Dance hall; ballroom; billiard and pool establishments; bowling alley; amusement arcade; membership sports and recreation facilities (indoor); table game parlor; ice or roller skating rinks; indoor amusement and recreation services | |
S | S | S | S | (46) Outdoor Participant Recreation And Entertainment: Amusement park; membership sports and recreation facilities (outdoor); miniature golf, driving range | |
S | S | S | S | (49) Restricted Impact Indoor Spectator Sports And Entertainment: Drama/music facilities and spectator sports arena; motion picture theater; civic, social and fraternal organizations | |
S | S | S | (50) Intensive Impact Indoor Spectator Sports And Entertainment: Drama/music facilities and spectator sports arena | ||
S | S | S | (51) Outdoor Spectator Sports And Entertainment: Open air drama/music facilities, spectator sports stadium; racing or driving tracks of any kind | ||
X | X | X | X | (1) Custom Handicraft Production: Apparel and other hand sewn fabric products; wood products; hand fabricated leather products; cut or fabricated wood products; hand fabricated pottery products; fabricated metal novelty products; precious metal jewelry; costume jewelry and novelties, and miscellaneous notions; candles; miscellaneous art and handicraft fabrication or processing | |
X | X | X | X | (2) Restricted Indoor Warehousing: Local trucking with storage; farm product storage (excluding elevators and refrigerated); packing, crating, moving, and storage of household goods; general warehousing and storage; freight trucking terminal; wholesale distribution of durable goods; wholesale distribution of nondurable goods | |
S | X | X | X | (3) General Indoor Warehousing: Local trucking with storage; farm product storage (excluding elevators); refrigerated warehousing, commercial food locker; packing, crating, moving, and storage of household goods; general warehousing and storage; freight trucking terminal; wholesale distribution of durable goods; wholesale distribution of nondurable goods | |
X | X | X | (4) Outdoor Storage: Wholesale automobile and other motor vehicle storage yard; wholesale building and construction materials storage yard; wholesale steel and pipe products storage yard | ||
S | S | S | (4) Outdoor Storage: Grain elevator | ||
S | X | X | X | (5) Low Impact Manufacturing And Processing: Dairy products; canned and preserved fruits and vegetables; bakery products; sugar and confectionery products; fats and oils; bottled and canned soft drinks and carbonated waters; flavoring extracts and syrups; miscellaneous food preparations and related products; ice plant; apparel and other finished fabric products; cabinetry; furniture and fixtures; printing, publishing, and allied industries; glass products made of purchased glass; fabricated, leather goods; clay product pottery and figurines; fabricated structural metal products; electronic computing equipment; electrical and electronic machinery, equipment and supplies (assembly only); phonograph records and prerecorded magnetic tape; engineering, laboratory, scientific, and research instruments; measuring and controlling instruments; optical instruments and lenses; surgical, medical, and dental instruments and supplies; ophthalmic goods; photographic equipment and supplies; watches, clocks, and similar devices and parts; precious metal jewelry and lapidary materials; musical instruments; toys, games, amusement, sporting, and athletic goods; office, drafting, and artists materials; costume jewelry, costume novelties, buttons, and miscellaneous notions; signs and advertising displays; heavy welding repair, blacksmith shop | |
S | X | X | (7) Moderate Impact Manufacturing And Processing: Cotton ginning; grain mill products; beet sugar refining; fish and seafood preserving and packaging; tobacco products; textile mill products; wood containers; prefabricated wood buildings, mobile homes, and components; miscellaneous wood products; converted paper and paperboard products; drugs and medicines; toilet soap; perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations; miscellaneous fabricated rubber products, miscellaneous plastics products; fabricated leather goods; structural clay products; clay product furnishings, fixtures, and miscellaneous supplies; concrete products; cut stone and stone products; gaskets, packing, and sealing devices; cold rolled steel sheet, strip, and bars; foundry casting lightweight nonferrous metal not causing noxious fumes or odors; sheet metal work; metal furnishing; office and business machine assembly; jobbing and repair machine shops, excluding punch presses over 20 tons' rated capacity, drop hammers, and automatic screw machines; motor vehicles and passenger car bodies, assembly, painting, and upholstery; boats; motorcycles, bicycles, and parts; recreational trailers and light truck campers; transportation equipment; plated metal ware; miscellaneous manufacturing industries | ||
S | S | S | (8) High Impact Manufacturing And Processing: Grain mill; meat product preparation and packing, excluding slaughtering and holding pens; pet food; animal and marine fats and oils; beverages; sawing and planing mills; millwork, veneer, plywood, and structural wood members; wood preserving; particle board; pulp, paper, paper board, building paper, and building board mills and products; rubber and plastics products; leather tanning and finishing; flat glass; glassware, pressed or blown; hydraulic cement; concrete mixing plant; lime; gypsum products; abrasives, asbestos, and miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral products; primary metal industries; fabricated metal products; machinery and equipment, except electrical; electrical and electronic machinery, equipment, and supplies (other than assembly); truck and bus bodies; truck trailers; aircraft and parts; railroad equipment; guided missiles, space vehicles, and parts; military tanks and components | ||
S | S | S | (9) Hazardous Materials Operations: Alkalies and chlorine manufacturing; industrial gases manufacturing; inorganic pigments manufacturing; industrial inorganic chemicals manufacturing; plastics materials, synthetic resins, and nonvulcanizable elastomers manufacturing; synthetic rubber manufacturing; synthetic organic fibers manufacturing; soap, detergents, and cleaning preparations manufacturing; paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and allied products manufacturing; gum and wood chemicals manufacturing; cyclic (coal tar) crudes and intermediates, dyes, and organic pigments manufacturing, industrial organic chemicals manufacturing; agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and allied chemicals manufacturing; adhesives and sealants manufacturing; explosives manufacturing and storage; miscellaneous chemicals and chemical preparations manufacturing; petroleum refining and related industries; wholesale chemical and petroleum bulk stations and terminals | ||
S | (10) Salvage Operations: Wholesale storage and distribution of scrap and waste materials for reclamation, excluding motor vehicles | ||||
X | X | X | X | (1) Government: Government offices; Municipal facilities and activities | |
S | S | S | S | (2) Public Education: Public elementary and secondary schools; public libraries and information centers | |
S | S | S | S | (5) Low Impact Institutional: Private elementary and secondary schools; private libraries and information centers; nursing and similar care facilities (for 5 or fewer residents); church, chapel, synagogue, or other place of worship; convent, monastery, religion school | |
S | S | S | S | (6) Moderate Impact Institutional: Public or private junior college, technical institute, professional school; vocational schools; job training and vocational rehabilitation services; nursing and similar care facilities (for more than 5 residents) | |
S | S | S | S | (8) Indoor Cultural: Art gallery; museum; planetarium; aquarium; indoor cultural facilities | |
S | S | S | S | (9) Outdoor Cultural: Arboreta, botanical, and zoological gardens; outdoor cultural facilities | |
X | X | X | X | (10) Surface Passenger Transportation: Local bus line operation office; local airport transportation service office; taxicab operation office; intercity/interstate bus line office; charter bus service office; school bus company office; bus terminal operation | |
S | X | X | X | (11) Surface Freight Transportation: Railroad transportation facilities and services; local trucking without storage; long distance trucking | |
S | S | S | S | (12) Aircraft Transportation: Aircraft transportation facilities and airfield services | |
S | S | S | S | (13) Communication Services: Telephone exchange buildings and relay stations without garaging, maintenance, or storage facilities; telegraph services; radio broadcasting station; television broadcasting or translator stations; communication services | |
S | S | S | S | (14) Communication Towers: Telephone/telegraph transmission microwave tower; communication towers; radio/television transmission towers | |
X | X | X | X | (15) Restricted Light Utility: Pipelines for substations other than natural gas or water; electricity regulating substation; natural gas transmission facilities/pressure control station; water storage facility/pressure control station; sewage pressure control station | |
X | X | X | X | (16) General Light Utility And Public Protection: Ambulance service; garbage and refuse collecting and transporting service facility, excluding disposal; telephone company service facility with garaging, maintenance, and storage; electric company, service facility with garaging, maintenance, and storage; gas company service facility with garaging, maintenance and storage; utility services; police station; fire station | |
S | (17) Heavy Utility: Electricity generating plant; water purification plant; sewage treatment plant, sludge drying beds; resource recovery operation for processing waste materials for use in energy production | ||||
(Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. Ord. 5973, 5-13-2002; Ord. 6194, 10-13-2014; Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)