A. Resource Categories: These uses are the initial stages of creating or obtaining raw materials from the earth's natural resources for further processing and/or distribution.
1. Restricted Horticulture: Outdoor cultivation of floricultural specialties and plant nursery products intended for ornamental or landscaping purposes on a wholesale basis, and such that no building or structure is maintained on the premises.
2. General Horticulture: Cultivation of horticultural and floricultural specialties intended for ornamental, landscaping, or food purposes on a wholesale basis and requiring a building or structure on the premises.
3. Crop Production: Premises devoted to the cultivation, primarily for sale rather than home consumption, of agricultural products such as grain, forage, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
4. Medical Marijuana Cultivation: Premises devoted to the cultivation of medical marijuana in accordance with title 63, section 422 of the Oklahoma Statutes. (Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
5. Livestock Production: Premises where large animal livestock, excluding swine, are fed or kept for commercial purposes other than as a stockyard or feedlot.
6. Animal Specialties: Premises devoted primarily to poultry, dairy, and other operations for commercial production of small animal livestock and their byproducts, excluding the keeping of such animals for fur bearing purposes.
7. On Premises Agricultural Processing: Packing or processing of crops grown on the premises, including, picking, cutting, sorting, and boxing; but not including canning, reduction, or similar activity.
8. Off Premises Agricultural Processing: Packing or processing of crops and their byproducts raised off the premises, including cutting, sorting, and boxing; but not including canning, reduction, or similar activity.
9. Crude Petroleum And Natural Gas Extraction: Premises devoted primarily to subsurface exploration and extraction of oil and gas, including necessary aboveground facilities, but not including buildings.
10. Mineral And Raw Material Mining: Premises devoted primarily to surface or subsurface mining, excavation, or extraction of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels, with essential on site processing of such products.
11. Disposal Wells: Any well drilled or actually used for injection of salt water or other substances into the earth at a point other or different than the point of extraction or production, including necessary facilities, but not including buildings. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
B. Residential Categories: These uses include the occupancy of living accommodations on a nontransient basis, and shall specifically exclude those providing twenty four (24) hour hospital care, and those providing forced residence such as detention and correction facilities.
1. Detached Conventional Single-Family: One dwelling unit conforming to the normal setback requirements that is a freestanding and structurally separated building which is located on a lot or building site that is unoccupied by any other dwelling unit or principal structure.
2. Zero Lot-Line Single-Family: One dwelling unit that is a freestanding and structurally separated building which is located on a lot or building site that is unoccupied by any other dwelling unit or principal structure, and which is located such that one wall has approximately no setback along a side property boundary.
3. Mobile Home: A manufactured, detached structure not meeting the one- and two-family structure requirements of the Building Code, but which is originally designed, constructed, and used for long-term occupancy as a complete single-family dwelling, is mounted on a permanent chassis with wheels attached thereto, and which is transportable in one or more sections at least ten feet in width and thirty two feet in length (10' x 32').
4. Manufactured Home: A manufactured structure bearing a seal verifying it is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards adopted July 13, 1994 (aka HUD Building Codes), and is originally designed, constructed, and used for long term occupancy as a complete single-family dwelling, containing two (2) or more sections of at least ten feet in width and thirty two feet in length (10' x 32'), mounted on a permanent chassis, set up on a continuous, permanent foundation and transportable features removed. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
5. Modular Home: A manufactured structure fabricated off site meeting the one- and two-family structure requirements of the International Building Codes; designed, constructed, and used for long term occupancy as a complete dwelling unit(s), containing two (2) or more sections of at least ten feet in width and thirty two feet in length (10' x 32'), mounted on a permanent chassis, set up on a continuous, permanent foundation, transportable features removed. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. 2003 Code)
6. Semi-Detached Single-Family: One dwelling unit which is located on a lot or building site that is unoccupied by any other dwelling unit or principal structure, but which is attached to one other single-family dwelling unit on a separate lot by a common vertical wall along their mutual property boundary.
7. Group Homes: Public, quasi-public, or private community based residential facilities for no more than six (6) developmentally or physically disabled persons requiring specialized living arrangements under the care and supervision of a responsible adult and which is licensed by the State Department of Health, or homes for the deaf or blind, mentally handicapped, physically handicapped.
8. Residential Care/Rehabilitation Centers: Includes community residential facilities serving persons in drug, alcohol, juvenile, child, parole, and other programs of treatment, care, supervision, or rehabilitation in a residential setting.
9. Two-Family: A building (duplex) located on a lot or building site that is unoccupied by any other principal structure, and which provides independent living facilities for occupancy by two (2) families such that the two (2) dwelling units are placed adjacent to one another with structural parts touching.
10. General Multiple-Family: Three (3) or more dwelling units (apartments) contained within one building that is freestanding and structurally separated from any other building or group of dwelling units.
11. Condominium: A form of real estate ownership whereby a building, or group of buildings, in a residential development contain dwelling units that are owned individually, while the exterior structure, common areas and facilities, and underlying land are owned and maintained collectively by all the owners on a proportional, undivided basis.
12. Townhouse: A one-family dwelling unit in a row of at least three (3) such units whereby each unit is located on a separate lot platted for individual ownership, each unit has its own access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more common fire resistant walls along their mutual property boundary, and where certain common areas and facilities not on the private lots may be owned and maintained collectively by all the owners on a proportional, undivided basis.
13. Group Quarters: A dwelling that houses unrelated individuals not constituting a family on a nontransient basis such that there may be separate sleeping and bathrooms, but other living facilities are shared as a single housekeeping unit.
14. Limited Mixed Use: One or more dwelling units located on the second floor or above of a building having two (2) or more stories in which the first floor is occupied entirely by a commercial use, and where such commercial use is permitted in the zoning district.
C. Commercial Categories: These uses include the distribution, sale, rental, or repair of goods, as well as the provision of most professional, business, and consumer services.
1. Administrative And Professional Offices: Offices of firms or organizations providing professional, executive, or administrative services of a specialized nature such as law offices, real estate offices, architectural and engineering offices, insurance offices, and corporate offices, etc.
2. Adult Entertainment Uses: Those uses which are designed for adults, including, but not limited to: adult amusement or entertainment; adult bookstore; adult mini motion picture theater; adult motel; adult motion picture arcade; adult motion picture theater; massage parlor; and sexual encounter center, as defined under the term "adult entertainment uses" in section 11-2-2 of this title.
3. Research Services: Administrative offices with research or testing facilities of a technical or scientific nature located within a completely enclosed building, and not involving product manufacturing.
4. Business Support Services: Establishments not elsewhere specifically classified which are primarily engaged in the provision of services of a clerical, employment, protective, financial, technical, or minor processing nature to other businesses, rather than to individuals, and where there is no storage of goods or equipment other than as samples or as necessary for daily operation.
5. Convenience Sales And Personal Services: Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of frequently needed, day to day retail commercial goods and services whereby such uses are designed and intended to serve a limited local market, be within short walking or short driving distance of a residential area, and which do not create substantially increased traffic, noise, or such other impacts considered incompatible with residential uses.
6. Child Daycare Center: A licensed or approved facility which provides care and protection of eight (8) or more children for a part of the twenty four (24) hour day. The term "daycare center" shall not include informal arrangements which parents make independently with neighbors, friends, and others, caretakers in the child's own home, and shall not include nursery schools, kindergartens, or other facilities of which the purpose is primarily educational, recreational, or medical treatment.
7. Restricted Medical Services: Personal health services including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment or rehabilitation services provided by physicians, dentists, nurses, and other health personnel, including incidental sales, but not including overnight care.
8. General Medical Services And Sales: Facilities for outpatient care and for the rental or sale of prescription drugs, medical supplies, and other medical related items. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
9. Medical Marijuana Dispensary: A retail establishment licensed under title 63, section 421 of the Oklahoma Statutes whereby the retail sale of medical marijuana is conducted on the premises. (Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
10. Restricted Funeral And Interment Services: Undertaking services such as funeral homes and mortuaries that prepare the dead for burial, and arrange and manage funerals, including crematory services within the same structure.
11. General Funeral And Interment Services: Interring facilities, such as cemeteries, involving the permanent disposition of human bodies, and which may include on site structures for such accessory uses as columbariums, crematoriums, funeral homes, and mausoleums.
12. Laundry Services: Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of commercial laundering, dry cleaning, dyeing, and linen supply services other than those included in "convenience sales and personal services".
13. Product Repair Services: Establishments primarily engaged in the repair or cleaning of personal items and household goods, whereby all activities and storage are maintained entirely within an enclosed building.
14. Restricted Consumer Services: Businesses not elsewhere specifically classified providing informational, instructional, personal improvement, or other similar services which may be located in an office type building.
15. General Consumer Services: Establishments, not elsewhere specifically classified, whose primary function is the provision of services, as opposed to the sale of products, to customers or clients whereby all activity, except off-site, takes place within a completely enclosed building, but such uses have one or more of the following characteristics: high customer volume, hand carried parcel delivery or mailing facilities, overnight parking of service or delivery vehicles, or sale of nonmercantile items such as postage stamps or public event tickets.
16. Retail Food And Beverage Sales: Businesses such as grocery stores and delicatessens that are primarily engaged in the sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages for off premises consumption.
17. Retail Alcoholic Beverage Sales: Establishments such as package liquor stores that are primarily engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages for home consumption.
18. Restricted Eating Establishments: Coffee shops, cafeterias, and restaurants not having drive up windows, engaged primarily in the sale of prepared food and nonintoxicating beverages to customers, and where indoor dining facilities are provided on the premises.
19. Eating Establishments Permitting Alcoholic Beverages: Businesses where customers are seated and served, and which permit on-premises consumption of beverages containing more than 3.2 percent alcohol by volume as an incidental activity to a restaurant operation.
20. Drinking Establishments: Taverns or private clubs with minimal or no kitchen or facilities for serving food, and which are primarily engaged in the sale, mixing, or dispensing of beverages containing more than 3.2 percent alcohol by volume for consumption on the premises.
21. In Vehicle Sales And Services: All uses where, as a principal use, sales or service transactions occur through the customer's vehicle window while the customer remains inside the vehicle. The standards described in subsection 11-5-1B27 of this title regarding drive up windows as accessory uses shall apply to this use category.
22. Specialty Retail Sales: Commercial businesses, other than those included in "convenience sales and service", specializing in the retail sale or rental of a limited line of merchandise to the general public for personal or household use, and where all sales and storage functions are contained within an enclosed building.
23. General Merchandise Sales: Department stores, variety stores, and discount stores offering a large stock of general goods and merchandise for retail sale to the general public for personal or household use.
24. Indoor Used Merchandise Sales: Establishments not elsewhere specifically classified whose primary function is the sale or rental of used goods or merchandise, both retail and wholesale, and rendering of services incidental to the sale of such goods.
25. Outdoor Sales: Commercial businesses or facilities, not elsewhere classified, where the principal use involves the display, exchange, barter, or sale of new or used goods or perishable produce primarily outside of enclosed buildings on a permanent basis.
26. Home Improvement Sales And Services: Establishments specializing in retail sales and services related to the provision of building supplies, lumber, hardware, interior decorating materials, or other home improvements.
27. Construction Sales And Services: Establishments primarily engaged in building construction and related special trades, including incidental storage on lots other than construction sites, and retail or wholesale trade of materials and equipment used in the construction of buildings or other structures, but excluding uses specifically included in the heavy vehicle, or wholesale storage and distribution, categories.
28. General Maintenance Services: Establishments such as janitorial services, exterminators, vending machine sales and services, and landscaping and gardening services, which are engaged primarily in the delivery of equipment, supplies, and services to off site locations for the maintenance of household or business operations.
29. Oil And Gas Field Services: Businesses providing oil and gas exploration and extraction services and supplies, and requiring outside storage or parking of heavy equipment and related vehicles.
30. Agricultural Supplies And Services: Businesses such as tree service firms, crop dusting supply stores, and feed, seed, fertilizer, or pesticide stores, which are primarily engaged in the retail or wholesale trade of agriculturally related products and related services, with any incidental storage on property other than where the service is rendered.
31. Low Impact Animal Services: Commercial and professional businesses such as pet grooming shops and small animal veterinary clinics where all activities and facilities are contained within a completely enclosed building.
32. High Impact Animal Services: Kennel, training, livestock, and veterinary services for large or small animals, and which require incidental outdoor facilities.
33. Light Vehicle Sales And Rentals: Sale or rental from the premises of more than two (2) motorcycles, automobiles, light trucks up to eleven thousand (11,000) pounds' gross vehicle weight, and small trailers or delivery vehicles, including incidental maintenance and repair facilities which are a part of the agency.
34. Moderate Vehicle Sales And Rentals: Sale or rental from the premises of light trucks up to twenty four thousand (24,000) pounds' gross vehicle weight, recreational vehicles, utility trailers, boats, or mobile homes, including incidental maintenance and repair facilities.
35. Heavy Vehicle Sales And Rentals: Sale or rental from the premises of heavy farm or construction equipment, trucks over twenty four thousand (24,000) pounds' gross vehicle weight, buses, or similar heavy mobile equipment, including incidental maintenance and repair facilities. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
36. Gasoline Station: Establishments engaged in the retail sale of automotive fuels (gasoline, gasohol, diesel, CNG) in combination with retail sales associated with automobile maintenance which may include enclosed repair facilities but not the permanent parking or storage of damaged, wrecked, or inoperable vehicles.
37. Gasoline Station With Convenience Store: Establishments engaged in the retail sale of automotive fuels (gasoline, gasohol, diesel, CNG) in combination with one or more uses that may include convenience store items, car wash facilities, drive- through lane, or integrated food services prepared for on/off premises consumption.
38. Truck Stop: Establishments engaged in the retail sale of automotive fuels (gasoline, gasohol, diesel, CNG) in combination with one or more uses that may include shower facilities, lounge areas, laundry facilities, scales, semitruck wash bays, incidental repair facilities, or provisions for the off street parking of semitrucks. (Ord. 6194, 10-13-2014; amd. Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
39. Light Motor Vehicle Maintenance: Commercial businesses or self-service facilities for washing, polishing, and repairing of motorcycles and automobiles, including the sale, installation, and servicing of automobile equipment and parts, but excluding body repairs and painting.
40. Heavy Motor Vehicle Maintenance: Heavy repair of automobiles, trucks, buses, aircraft, and recreational or utility vehicles, including the sale, installation, and servicing of engines, equipment, and other parts, and body repair, painting, and wrecking services having temporary storage of damaged vehicles.
41. Outdoor Vehicle Storage: Storage of vehicles used regularly in business operations or as a service to individual vehicle owners and not available for sale or long term storage, and facilities or structures for the storage of nonoperating motor vehicles, but excluding junk or salvage yards.
42. Automobile Parking: Nonstorage transient parking of automobiles or noncommercial vehicles with or without a fee, and within an off street parking area or multilevel structure as a principal use.
43. Personal Storage Warehouse: A structure containing enclosed individual rental dead storage facilities serving primarily residential customers, not exceeding eight hundred (800) square feet per unit, and not used for sales purposes or storage of hazardous materials.
44. Horse Stables: Facilities for commercial boarding, breeding, raising, or training of horses, and areas for the riding of horses by other than the occupants of the premises.
45. Indoor Participant Recreation And Entertainment: Commercial participant recreation and entertainment uses conducted within an enclosed building such as bowling alleys, billiard parlors, dance halls, gymnasiums and health clubs, skating rinks, and arcades.
46. Outdoor Participant Recreation And Entertainment: Commercial participant recreation and entertainment uses, other than horse stables, conducted in open facilities such as miniature golf courses, driving ranges, go-cart tracks, and amusement parks.
47. Indoor Commercial Lodging: Lodging facilities involving room accommodations for travelers, and incidental food, drink, and other sales and services intended for the convenience of guests.
48. Outdoor Commercial Lodging: Campground services involving temporary accommodations for recreational or vacation purposes, including sites for tents and recreational vehicles, and incidental sales, services, and facilities intended for the convenience of guests.
49. Restricted Indoor Spectator Sports And Entertainment: Enclosed buildings such as theaters or amusement places with a capacity of five hundred (500) or less people providing facilities for cultural, entertainment, or athletic events, as well as social or fraternal gatherings, and including retail sales and storage facilities that are incidental to the operation of such uses.
50. Intensive Indoor Spectator Sports And Entertainment: Indoor facilities generating significant noise, or traffic such as large theaters and exhibition halls having a capacity of more than five hundred (500) people providing for cultural, entertainment, or athletic events, and including retail sales and storage facilities that are incidental to the operation of such uses.
51. Outdoor Spectator Sports And Entertainment: Large scale facilities such as racetracks, fairgrounds, sports stadiums, and drive-in theaters, where the activities occur primarily outside of buildings and which generate significant noise, odor, or traffic. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. Ord. 6194, 10-13-2014; Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
D. Industrial Categories: These uses include on site wholesale storage, and all nonfarm businesses engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of raw materials, semifinished products, or reclaimed finished products into new products, including the assembly of component parts, blending of materials, and other manufacturing premises.
1. Custom Handicraft Production: On site production of goods such as ceramics, candles, or custom jewelry by hand manufacturing which involves only the use of hand tools or small mechanical equipment not exceeding two (2) horsepower, or a single kiln not exceeding eight kilowatts (8 kW), and incidental direct sale to consumers of only those goods produced on the premises.
2. Restricted Indoor Warehousing: Wholesaling storage, and distribution services within an enclosed building, whereby all transfer facilities for rail and truck loading are located inside the building.
3. General Indoor Warehousing: Refrigerated warehousing, and other wholesaling, storage, and distribution services within an enclosed building, whereby transfer facilities for rail or truck loading are located outside the building.
4. Outdoor Storage: Facilities having, as a principal function, open air storage and handling of materials and equipment, including grain elevators, road construction materials, monument or stone yards, wholesale vehicle or building material lots, and other open storage yards where activity may generate noise and dust.
5. Low Impact Manufacturing And Processing: Establishments engaged in the manufacture, assembly, research, or processing of products and goods with all operations occurring entirely within an enclosed structure, requiring no outdoor industrial wastewater treatment system, producing no airborne emissions, objectionable noise, glare, odor, vibrations, smoke, or dust associated with the industrial operation detectable outside a building, and where there is no outdoor storage of raw materials or products. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
6. Medical Marijuana Processor: An establishment licensed under title 63, section 423 of the Oklahoma Statutes, whereby marijuana plants are processed (packaged) into concentrates, edibles, and other forms for consumption. (Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
7. Moderate Impact Manufacturing And Processing: Establishments engaged in the manufacture, assembly, research, or processing of products, including incidental outdoor storage of raw materials and products if properly screened, such that all operations meet the environmental standards of this title, as well as all other applicable government standards for wastewater and airborne industrial emissions.
8. High Impact Manufacturing And Processing: Establishment engaged in the manufacture, assembly, research, or processing of products, including outdoor storage of raw materials and products, such that all operations meet the environmental standards of this title, as well as all other applicable government standards for wastewater and airborne industrial emissions.
9. Hazardous Materials Operations: Facilities involving the manufacture, bulk storage, or sale of flammable, explosive, poisonous, toxic, caustic, or radioactive materials, such that all operations meet the applicable government standards for wastewater and airborne industrial emissions.
10. Salvage Operations: Facilities involving the storage, sale, dismantling or processing of used or waste materials that are not intended for reuse in their original form. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. Ord. 6258, 6-11-2018)
E. Infrastructure Categories: These uses are strongly vested with public or social importance and, together, form the basic community framework of facilities and services needed to sustain residential, commercial, industrial, and civic functions of the urban settlement.
1. Government: Property and buildings not elsewhere classified which are owned, used or operated in the public interest by any branch of government for functions normally associated with the administration and maintenance of the public infrastructure.
2. Public Education: Elementary and secondary schools, and libraries, owned, used, or operated by public bodies, and available to the general public.
3. Restricted Community Recreation And Food Production: Passive and active public recreational, social, and multipurpose uses not using artificial lighting at night, as well as neighborhood and community fruit and vegetable gardens that are available for public use during daylight hours.
4. Intensive Community Recreation: Active public recreational, social, and multipurpose uses, including open or enclosed accessory structures having a capacity limited to five hundred (500) persons, and which have outdoor lights for illuminating nighttime activities.
5. Low Impact Institutional: Quasi-public or private activities and facilities of an educational or religious nature such as churches, libraries, elementary and secondary schools.
6. Moderate Impact Institutional: Public, quasi-public, or private activities and facilities such as hospitals, vocational and vocational rehabilitation schools, professional schools, and nursing and similar care facilities, which may have a significant impact on surrounding uses due to the nature of the intended use.
7. High Impact Institutional: A college or university which, due to area requirements, traffic generation, and light or noise generation, has the potential for major impact on surrounding uses.
8. Indoor Cultural: Public, quasi-public, or private facilities for museum like preservation and exhibition of objects of artistic, cultural, or scientific interest, and gallery exhibition of works of art for study and pleasure, where all activities are contained entirely within an enclosed building.
9. Outdoor Cultural: Botanical and zoological gardens, or other large scale cultural facilities, where activities occur primarily outside of enclosed buildings, and which may have a significant impact on surrounding uses with respect to traffic, light, or noise generation.
10. Surface Passenger Transportation: Public or commercial mass transportation facilities contributing to the surface movement of people on a local or intercity basis by rail or road vehicles.
11. Surface Freight Transportation: Facilities which contribute to the surface movement of intercity freight, including processing, loading, and transfer storage.
12. Aircraft Transportation: Facilities providing access to airborne transport for people and goods, including administrative, operational, maintenance, and storage functions, and provision of incidental sales and services intended for the convenience of crews and passengers.
13. Communication Services: Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of broadcasting and other information relay services accomplished through the use of electronic and telephone mechanisms, including studios, satellite receiving facilities and business dispatching or receiving antennas, but excluding those uses included in "communication towers".
14. Communication Towers: Structures for radio and television transmitting antennas, microwave antennas, cellular or PCS telephone service antennas and all antennas which are taller than fifty feet (50') above ground level at grade, as a principal use.
15. Restricted Light Utility: Utility facilities such as elevated water tanks, water or sewage pumping stations, gas pressure control stations, and electricity regulating substations needing locations near the area to be served and having minimal land needs, but not requiring incidental storage of equipment or vehicles, nor having a negative impact upon surrounding land uses.
16. General Light Utility And Public Protection: Essential public services such as ambulance, fire protection, police, and civil defense facilities involving direct citizen contact as well as incidental storage and maintenance of necessary equipment or vehicles, and facilities required for utility operation and maintenance involving storage of equipment and vehicles, such that there may be a minor impact on surrounding areas.
17. Heavy Utility: Public services and utilities such as sewage disposal facilities, water treatment plants, water storage reservoirs, refuse transfer stations, electricity generating plants, and resource recovery operations which may have a substantial impact due to attendant hazards, nuisance characteristics, or maintenance and operational characteristics. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)