A. Purpose Of Regulations: The regulations of industrial districts are designed to:
1. Meet the needs of the area's industrial economy by making available a wide range of suitable sites for most types of warehousing, manufacturing, assembly, repair, testing, research, and related activities;
2. Reserve such sites for industrial use by protecting them from encroachment by nonindustrial uses;
3. Differentiate between levels of industrial use intensity, objectionable influences, and requirements with respect to the city transportation and utility infrastructure; and
4. Provide for the use of the less intensive industrial districts as buffers between residential districts and more intensive industrial districts.
B. Districts Described: The individual districts are described as follows:
1. I-P Industrial Park District: The I-P district is intended primarily to provide an environment conducive to the development and protection of modern administrative facilities, research institutions, specialized manufacturing plants, and similar enterprises whose operations are contained entirely within buildings, and which are ordinarily free of environmental nuisances, and may be appropriately located together in a visually compatible setting.
2. I-1 Light Industrial District: The I-1 light industrial district is intended as an area in which light manufacturing, warehousing and wholesale servicing may be conducted but would not include the use of any material that would create a danger to the surrounding area through fires, explosion, noise, dust, smoke, odor, or water pollution.
3. I-2 Moderate Industrial District: This industrial district is intended primarily for the conduct of light manufacturing, assembling, and fabrication, and for warehousing, wholesale, and service uses which may generate relatively low levels of noise, odor, smoke, dust, or intense light. Industrial uses permitted may require good accessibility to air, rail or street transportation routes, but do not depend heavily on frequent personal visits of customers or clients. Provision is also made for outdoor operations, display, and storage.
4. I-3 Heavy Industrial District: In the I-3 heavy industrial district, it is intended that the land be used for heavy industrial and commercial enterprises which would, through necessary and unavoidable processes, create nuisance that would not be in harmony with residential and business. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)