   (A)   All garbage or waste to be collected which contains any moisture whatsoever shall be first wrapped in paper and drained before being placed in receptacles. Animal waste, entrails, or carcasses shall be placed in a sealed plastic bag prior to being placed in receptacle.
('58 Code, § 17.08)
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit, allow, place, or cause to be placed fluorescent lighting and television picture tubes in any receptacle, bag or container unless the tubes are securely wrapped and completely covered so as to prevent injury to anyone from the broken edges. (‘58 Code, § 17.09)
   (C)   All materials shall be placed into the roll cart or dumpster to allow for the lid to properly close and seal. No materials shall be placed outside the roll cart or dumpster, with the exception of the week between Christmas (December 25) and New Year's Day (January 1).
(Ord. 609-B, passed 1-9-62) (Ord. 609, passed; Am. Ord. 73-98, passed 9-28-73; Am. Ord. 2012-66, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2016-45, passed 2-23-16) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bury, burn, or dispose of any garbage, trash, or similar material except by the use of a garbage disposal unit connected to the city sewerage system, or a septic tank, and in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. However, the Chief of the Fire Department may, in his discretion, issue a permit for burning trash or similar material upon the following conditions.
      (1)   The applicant must file a request with the Fire Chief, in writing, prior to the time for which the burning permit is desired.
      (2)   The applicant must state a sound reason or show good cause why the trash or similar material must be burned instead of being hauled away.
      (3)   The applicant must permit an employee of the Fire Department designated by the Fire Chief to make an inspection of the premises to be used for the burning, if the Fire Chief so desires. The premises to be used must be on the property of the applicant and must not be within 25 feet of any building.
      (4)   The permit shall be granted only if the Fire Chief finds that the trash or similar material can be burned in safety, without the danger of causing harm or annoyance to the neighborhood, and upon an affirmative showing of good cause why the trash or similar material must be burned instead of being hauled away. The Fire Chief shall be the sole judge of good cause and safety in this regard.
   (B)   The granting of a permit shall carry the obligation on the part of the grantee to keep a sufficiently safe control of the fire and to be responsible for all damages therefrom, and that all resultant embers shall be extinguished and the hot ashes removed or wetted down at the close of the fire.
('58 Code, § 17.10) (Ord. 609, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 609-B, passed 1-9-62) Penalty, see § 10.99
   Burning rubbish; permit, see § 95.05
   Bonfires on street, see § 95.02
   (A)   No person or persons shall remove or transport over the streets of this city or its real property for hire or salvage any solid waste, recovered materials, or similar material without first having secured a business tax receipt for the operation from the city, evidencing the payment of the necessary business tax receipt fee as provided by Chapter 113. Before issuing the business tax receipt, the Development Services Director shall require the execution of an application form to be furnished, showing the name or names of the person or persons to be taxed or, if a corporation, the names of the principal officers, the numbers and type of equipment to be used, and the type of material to be transported. The application shall be submitted to and approved by the City Manager or designee as a prerequisite to the issuance of a business tax receipt.
(‘58 Code, § 17.11) (Ord. 73-98, passed 9-28-73; Am. Ord. 2007-57, passed 7-10-07; Am. Ord. 2016-45, passed 2-23-16)
   (B)   Any business tax receipt issued in conformity with this section may be revoked by the City Manager at any time without refund, upon proper showing of violations of any provision of this subchapter. (‘58 Code, § 17.12)
(Ord. 609, passed; Am. Ord. 609-B, passed 1-9-62; Am. Ord. 2007-57, passed 7-10-07)
   Authority of city to levy and collect occupational license tax, see Charter section 5 (7)
   (A)   For the purpose of this section, the definitions contained in the solid waste disposal agreement shall apply unsolid waste otherwise specifically stated in this section. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular and words in the singular number include the plural. The word shall is always mandatory and not merely directory.
   ACCEPTABLE WASTE. Garbage, refuse, and other solid waste from residential, commercial, light industrial and community activities which is generated and collected in aggregate. This term shall include NON-PROCESSABLE WASTE but shall not include UNACCEPTABLE WASTE.
   CONTRACT MUNICIPALITIES. This term shall refer to the cities of Dania, Hallandale, Pompano Beach and Pembroke Pines, each of which is a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the state and located within the county.
   HAULER. This term shall refer to those persons, firms or corporation or governmental agencies responsible (under either oral or written contract, or otherwise) for the collection of solid waste within the geographic boundaries of the contract municipalities and transportation to the resource recovery system.
   NON-PROCESSABLE WASTE. That portion of the waste stream that is not capable of being processed at the facility but that the corporation agrees to accept, and landfill at no additional cost to the party delivering such waste (other than the tipping fee required under Section 2.3 of the solid waste disposal agreement hereof, including the “pass-throughs” identified therein). This term shall include metal furniture and appliances, concrete rubble, mixed roofing materials, rock, gravel and other earthen materials, equipment, wire and cable, tree limbs, logs or lumber not more than four feet long or six inches in diameter, occasional tires, and demolition and construction debris and material, none of which are delivered to the corporation in quantities that constitute UNACCEPTABLE WASTE.
   RESOURCE RECOVERY SYSTEM. The resource recovery facilities which are constructed, operated and maintained pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Agreement.
   SOLID WASTE. This term shall have the meaning set forth in F.S. Ch. 403, Part IV, as amended from time to time, and as limited or expanded by the terms ACCEPTABLE WASTE, NON-PROCESSABLE WASTE AND UNACCEPTABLE WASTE set forth in the Solid Waste Disposal Agreement, which are defined in this section.
   SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT. The solid waste disposal agreement dated April 22, 2003, by and among the contact municipalities and Reuter Recycling of Florida, Inc. as amended from time to time pursuant to the provisions of the solid waste disposal agreement. A copy of the above referenced agreement is available in the office of the City Clerk.
   UNACCEPTABLE WASTE. Waste which would likely pose a threat to health or safety or which may cause damage to or materially adversely affect the operation of the facility as determined by the corporation, including, but not limited to, hazardous waste of any kind or nature, such as explosives, radioactive materials, cleaning fluids, crankcase oils, cutting oils, paints, acids, caustics, poisons, or drugs; pathological or biological wastes; ashes, foundry sand; sanitary sewage and other highly diluted water-carried materials or substances; sludges, including sewage sludge and septic and cesspool pumpouts; human and animal remains; auto hulks and other motor vehicles, including such major motor vehicle parts as transmissions, rear-ends, springs and fenders; agricultural and farm machinery and equipment and other bulky items of machinery and equipment; liquid wastes; demolition debris; street sweepings; mining waste; tires in excess of quantities allowed by the corporation as ACCEPTABLE WASTE; incinerator residue; human waste; marine vessels and major parts thereof; transformers; batteries; trees and lumber more than four feet long or six inches in diameter; and truckloads of waste delivered to the corporation which consist predominantly (i.e., in excess of 50% by volume) of items of NON-PROCESSABLE WASTE, in which case the entire load shall be deemed to be UNACCEPTABLE WASTE. UNACCEPTABLE WASTE  shall also include any other material not permitted by law or regulation to be disposed of at a landfill unless the landfill is specifically designed, constructed and licensed or permitted to receive the material.
   (B)   Waste Flow Control.
      (1)   It is the purpose of this section to require all inhabitants and persons within the city, to use exclusively the resource recovery system identified in the solid waste disposal agreement for the disposal of all solid waste generated within the city for the purpose of ensuring that the resource recovery system receives an adequate quantity of solid waste generated within its boundaries.
      (2)   The city hereby directs that all solid waste generated within its geographic boundaries be delivered to the resource recovery system transfer or disposal facility or facilities designated in the plan of operation under the solid waste disposal agreement; and further hereby relinquishes any and all title and interest in solid waste collected or generated within its geographical boundaries upon delivery of such solid waste to the resource recovery system transfer or disposal facility or facilities designated in the plan of operations.
      (3)   Nothing herein is intended to either discourage or prohibit either voluntary or locally ordained solid waste segregation programs segregating scrap or new or used materials at the point of generation and held for purposes of recycling.
(Ord. 91-06, passed 10-23-90; Am. Ord. 2012-66, passed 9-11-12)
   (A)   The following definitions shall be applied to all acceptable recyclable waste generated by all residential customers.
   NEWSPAPER. Newspaper (which for the purpose of this chapter shall be considered a periodical, usually daily or weekly, printed on newsprint and shall not include magazines and telephone books) shall be fresh, not sunburned, and shall be segregated from all other solid waste material by all solid waste customers. Newspapers shall be securely bundled with string or twine, or placed in a brown paper grocery bag or loose in the recycling bin supplied by the city (preferably on top of other recyclables) but in every case separated and not commingled with other recyclables. Newspaper shall not be bundled with tape and shall be removed from the plastic tubes (bags) it is delivered in. If newspaper is set out for collection on a rainy day, residents shall protect newspaper by using some type of cover. Newspapers shall be placed for collection by solid waste customers on a day approved by the city.
   BOUND PAPER. Magazines and telephone books.
   CORRUGATED CARDBOARD (CARDBOARD). Only cardboard with the sandwiched waffled paper shall be accepted. All cardboard shall be cut down to size that allows for recycling cart lid to properly close.
   ALUMINUM CANS. Only 100% aluminum cans used as beverage containers shall be segregated from all other solid waste material by solid waste customers and shall be free of aluminum foil, foil trays or pie plates. Containers shall be rinsed clean and free of all organic material and free flowing liquids.
   STEEL AND BI-METAL CANS. Steel and bi-metal (combination of steel and tin) cans are typically food and/or beverage containers and shall be segregated from all solid waste material by solid waste customers. Containers shall be rinsed clean and free of all organic material and free flowing liquids.
   GLASS CONTAINERS. Clear brown or green bottles and jars shall be segregated from all other solid waste material by solid waste customers. Glass containers shall be rinsed clean and free of all stones, dirt, organic material and free flowing liquids. The following materials shall not be included: broken glass, ceramics, such as dishes, porcelain, Pyrex, light bulbs, plate, window or safety glass, and lead-based glass.
   PLASTIC CONTAINERS. Plastic containers, as listed below, shall be segregated from all other solid waste material by solid waste customers.
      (1)   PETE #1. (Polyethylene Terepthalate) includes both clear and green beverage bottles. Usually soda comes in the one and two liter PETE plastic bottles. Jars such as cooking oil and peanut butter are acceptable but shall be free of organic material and drained of free flowing liquids. All such PETE #1 shall be clearly identified with an imprint on the bottom of the container “#1.” Items not so imprinted shall not be acceptable as PETE #1.
      (2)   HDPE #2. (High- Density Polyethylene) includes both natural and pigmented containers, shall be segregated from all other solid waste material and by all solid waste customers. Milk jugs, water jugs and bleach bottle are examples of HDPE #2. Containers made of this substance shall be rinsed clean and be free of organic material and free flowing liquids. All such HDPE #2 containers shall be clearly identified with an imprint on the bottom of the container “#2.” Items not so imprinted shall not be acceptable as HDPE #2. Any container with an opening larger than the base of the container is NOT acceptable even if stamped with a recycling code. No five (5) gallon or larger containers shall be accepted.
      (3)   PVC #3. (Polyvinyl Chloride) includes both clear and pigmented containers, typically utilized for shampoos and liquid soap. Containers made of this substance shall be rinsed clean and be free of organic material and free flowing liquids. All such PVC #3 containers shall be clearly identified with an imprint on the bottom of the container "#3". Items not so imprinted shall not be acceptable as PVC #3. Any container with an opening larger than the base of the container is NOT acceptable, even if stamped with the recycling code. No five gallon or larger containers shall be accepted.
   (B)   Newspapers, corrugated cardboard, glass containers, aluminum cans, steel and bi-metal cans, plastic containers (as described above), and bound paper should be commingled by residential customers into the recycling container supplied by the city and placed for collection by the city's authorized solid waste contractor on a day approved by the city.
(Ord. 97-55, passed 5-13-97; Am. Ord. 97-83, passed 9-23-97; Am. Ord. 2006-59, passed 7-25-06; Am. Ord. 2012-66, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2016-45, passed 2-23-16)
§ 96.21 (RESERVED)