(A)   Truck routes. It shall be unlawful for any person operating a heavy truck as defined herein to travel on any residential street or alley. The following streets are hereby established as truck routes within the city.
Spur 242 (Parts of Commerce Street and Bensdale Road)
Between Texas 97 East and FM 476 (Bryant Street)
Texas 97 East
Between east city limits and U.S. 281 (Second Street)
U.S. 281 (Second Street)
From north to south city limits
Texas 97 West (West Oaklawn)
Between U.S. 281 (Second Street) and southwest city limits
FM 476 (Bryant Street)
Between Texas 97 West (West Oaklawn) and northwest city limits
FM 3510 (Airport Road)
Between FM 3350 (W. Goodwin Street) and Texas 97 West (West Oaklawn)
FM 1334 (Coughran Road)
Between U.S. 281 (Second Street) and east city limits
   (B)   Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      TRUCK. Any motor vehicle designed or operated for the transportation of property, and whose body weight or whose combined body and load weight or whose rated capacity exceeds 26,000 pounds.
      TRUCK ROUTE. A way over certain streets, as designated herein, over and along which trucks coming into and out of the city must operate. Unless otherwise designated, all truck routes are on state highways only.
   (C)   Trucks restricted; exceptions; parking.
      (1)   Trucks restricted. All trucks within the city shall be operated only over and along the truck routes established in this code and on the other designated streets over which truck travel is permitted.
      (2)   Exceptions. This division shall not prohibit:
         (a)   Operation on street of destination. The operation of trucks upon any street where necessary to the conduct of business at a destination point, provided streets upon which such traffic is permitted are used until reaching the intersection nearest the destination point.
         (b)   Emergency vehicles. The operation of emergency vehicles upon any street in the city.
         (c)   Public utilities. The operation of trucks owned or operated by the city, public utilities, any contractor or material man, while engaged in the repair, maintenance, or construction of streets, street improvements, or street utilities within the city.
         (d)   Detoured trucks. The operation of trucks upon any officially established detour in any case where such truck could lawfully be operated upon the street for which such detour is established.
         (e)   Light trucks. Any truck with a manufacturer’s rated carrying capacity that does not exceed 26,000 pounds, including those trucks commonly known as pickup trucks and delivery trucks.
      (3)   Parking. Parking on public roadways and/or right-of-ways will not be permitted except for delivery purposes.
   (D)   Truck traffic in the city.
      (1)   Outside origin.
         (a)   One inside destination point. All trucks entering the city for a destination point in the city shall proceed only over an established truck route, and shall deviate only at the intersection with street, upon which such traffic is permitted, nearest to the destination point. Upon leaving the destination point, a deviating truck shall return to the truck route by the shortest permissible route.
         (b)   Multiple inside destination points. All trucks entering the city for multiple destination points shall proceed only over established truck routes, and shall deviate only at the intersection with the street, upon which such traffic is permitted, nearest to the first destination point. Upon leaving the first destination point, a deviating truck shall proceed to other destination points by the shortest direction and only over streets upon which such traffic is permitted. Upon leaving the last destination point, a deviating truck shall return to the truck route by the shortest permissible route.
      (2)   Inside origin.
         (a)   Outside destination point. All trucks, on a trip originating in the city and traveling in the city for a destination point outside the city, shall proceed, by the shortest direction over streets on which such traffic is permitted, to a truck route as herein established.
         (b)   Inside destination points. All trucks, on a trip originating in the city and traveling in the city for destination points in the city, shall proceed only over streets upon which such traffic is permitted.
   (E)   Maintain maps and signs.
      (1)   Maps. The Chief of Police shall keep and maintain accurate maps setting out truck routes and streets upon which truck traffic is permitted. The maps shall be kept on file in the Police Department and shall be available to the public.
      (2)   Signs. The Director of Public Works of the city shall cause all truck routes to be clearly sign-posted to give notice that these sections are in effect.
   (F)   Penalty. The penalty for violation of this section shall be a fine not to exceed $200 and costs of the court as allowed by law. Any law enforcement officer of the city may request for review the vehicle registration receipt showing the registered weight of the vehicle and a copy of the registration receipt is admissible in evidence in any cause in which the gross registered weight of the vehicle is an issue.
(Ord. 11-1030, passed 5-5-2011; Ord. 14-1097, passed 1-16-2014; Ord. 14-1116, passed 8-21-2014)
   Motor vehicle regulations in Atascosa River Park, see §§ 10.29(A) and 96.01