No limitation as to usage or the weight of vehicles using city streets other than is provided by the laws of the state shall apply to vehicles using the following streets in the city:
Dolliver Street;
Price Street;
Hinds Avenue, between Bello and Dolliver Streets;
The Edna Road, from the city limits to Bello Street;
Bello Street, from the Edna Road to Hinds Avenue; and
Ocean View Avenue, between Price and Dolliver Streets. (Prior code § 10.12.010)
No trucks or commercial vehicles shall use or be on the following designated streets, except for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such restricted streets. The streets are designated as follows:
Pomeroy Street, between Price and Cypress Streets;
Cypress Street, from Pomeroy Street to Ocean View Avenue; and
Ocean View Avenue, between Cypress and Dolliver Streets. (Prior code § 10.12.020)
On all other streets in the city, other than those listed in Sections 10.12.010 and 10.12.020, and except as otherwise authorized by the Director of Public Works or designee, no trucks or commercial vehicles and no vehicles of any type where the total gross loaded weight on such vehicle exceeds eight thousand (8,000) pounds shall be allowed thereon; provided however, that trucks or commercial vehicles having less than a total gross loaded weight of eight thousand (8,000) pounds shall be permitted thereon when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, merchandise from or to any building or structure located on one of such restricted streets within the city limits; provided further that neither the limitation as to type of vehicle or as to weight limitation shall apply to a vehicle necessarily being on one of such restricted streets for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of any building or structure upon such a restricted street within the city limits for which a building permit has previously been obtained from the city. Deliveries shall be demonstrated by a bill of lading or other documentation acceptable to the chief of police, director of public works, or their respective designees. The provisions of this section shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission, to any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the construction, installation, or repair of any utility, or to emergency vehicles. (Ord. O-2024-002, § 2, 2024: Prior code § 10.12.030)