The California Building Code is amended and changed in the following respects:
   A.   Section 105.2 (Work Exempt from Permit) of the CBC Chapter 1 subsection 1 is amended to read as follows:
      1.   One-story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided that the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (11.15 m2), nor 8 feet in height, and for which written approval has been given by the Planning Division. These structures may still be regulated by Section 710A, despite exemption from permit.
   B.   Section 105.2 (Work Exempt from Permit) of the CBC Chapter 1, is hereby amended adding subsection 14 to read as follows:
      14.   Detached decks under 100 square feet and under 30 inches in height, for which written approval has been given by the Planning Division and Building Division.
   C.   Section 105.3.2 of Chapter 1, Division II is amended to read as follows:
   An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned six (6) months after the date of filing unless such application has been pursued in good faith, or a permit has been issued; except that the building official is authorized to grant one or more extensions of up to six (6) months. The extensions shall be requested in writing and justified cause demonstrated. Whatever the case, a permit application is valid for a maximum one (1) year after which time the application expires, and a new plan review fee must be paid. The code in effect at the time the newest application is made shall be the code that is enforced.
   D.   Section 105.5 (Expiration) of Chapter 1 Division II is deleted in its entirety.
   E.   Chapter 1 Subsection 105.8 is added to the CBC, to read as follows:
   105.8 Permit Issuance.
   105.8.1   Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, a permit shall be issued only to person holding a valid, unexpired, or unrevoked California building contractor's license, property owner or authorized agent.
   105.8.2   A permit may be issued for work in a single-family dwelling used exclusively for living purposes, including any accessory buildings, if the permittee is the bona fide owner of the structure occupied by or designed to be occupied by the owner, in which case the owner himself fulfills the role of contractor for all work under the permit.
   105.8.3   Any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall not be transferable to any person, business, or corporation.
   F.   Section 107.2.1 (Information on Construction Documents) of CBC Chapter 1 is amended to read:
   107.2.1   Construction documents shall include dimensions and shall be drawn to scale on suitable material. Electronic media documents may be submitted when approved in advance by the building official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and to show in detail that it will conform to this code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The first sheet of each set of plans shall give the location and street address of the work and the name and address of the owner and of the person who prepared the plans. Plans shall include a plot plan showing all existing property lines labeled and fully dimensioned, the elevation of the top and toe of cuts and fills, and the location of the proposed building with distance to all property lines and of every existing building on the property. Instead of detailed specifications, the city building official may approve references on the plans to a specific section or part of this code or other ordinances or laws.
   G.   Chapter 1 Division II Subsection 107.6 (Standard plans) is added to read as follows:
   107.6.1   Standard plans. The building official may approve a set of plans for a building or structure as a "standard plan," provided the applicant has made proper application, submitted complete sets of plans, and paid the plan checking fee as required by the City of Pinole. When it is desired to use an approved "standard plan" for an identical structure, three plot plans shall be submitted, and a plan-checking fee equal to one-half of the full plan-checking fee required by the City of Pinole shall be paid at the time application is made for such identical structure. Such duplicate plans shall be compared, stamped, and kept on the job as required by California Building Code Section [A] 107.3.1. In case of any deviation whatsoever from this standard plan, complete plans, together with a full plan-checking fee, shall be submitted for the proposed work, as required by California Building Code Section [A] 107. Standard plans shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of approval. This period may be extended by the building official when there is evidence that the plan may be used again. The code in effect when the plan review application is submitted, and the plan review fee paid shall be the governing code.
   H.   Section 110.1 (Inspections - General) is amended by adding the following to the end of the section:
   At the time of first inspection by the city building official, a licensed land surveyor or civil engineer may be required to certify in writing that the structure is placed according to the approved set of plans. The written certification must include the site address and permit number. This requirement does not apply to alterations or repairs to existing structures that do not affect the exterior limits of the existing structures.
   I.   Section 110.6.1 (Approval required) is added to read as follows:
   110.6.1 The Building Official of the City of Pinole is authorized to develop a covered/concealed construction policy for any covered or concealed construction, without prior building inspection, to be opened to ensure compliance with the California Building codes. The policy shall encourage utilization of the least invasive deconstruction methods as possible to document construction methods used, such as photographs, invoices, and structural engineer/architectural engineer reports.
   J.   Chapter 1, Section [A] 114 (Unlawful act). Chapter 1, Division II Section 114.5 Violation a Public Nuisance is added to read as follows:
   It is declared that any violation of this code, the CPC, CMC, CEC, or other state building codes constitutes a public nuisance. In addition to any other remedies this code provides for enforcement, the city may bring civil suit to enjoin violation of its provisions.
   K.   Section 202 of Chapter 2 (Definitions) is deleted in its entirety.
   L.   Section 202 of Chapter 2 (Definitions) of the CBC is amended to include the following definition:
   Fire Hazard: is any building device, appliance, apparatus, equipment, tank, vehicle, combustible material or waste, fence, or vegetation which, in the opinion of the City building official or the Fire Chief, is in such condition as to cause a fire or explosion or to augment the spread and intensity of a fire or explosion arising from any cause.
   M.   Section 202 of Chapter 2 (Definitions) is amended to add the following definition to the existing definition:
   Pool: Any outside body of water created by artificial means, any portion of which exceeds eighteen inches (18") in depth.
   N.   Section 501.2 of Chapter 5 (General building heights and areas) is amended to read as follows:
      1.   Address numbers. Apartment, Condominium and Townhouse Complexes - An illuminated, diagrammatic representation of the complex shall be installed at the primary vehicular and walkway entrance to each complex. This diagram shall be of sufficient size to be easily visible from said vehicular and walkway entrance.
         a.   An apartment, condominium, or townhouse complex shall be defined as a group of three or more separate, non-connecting buildings, all located on common ground where each building contains two or more living units.
         b.   Each building shall be marked at a location clearly visible from the nearest vehicular access with the street address, building number/letter and numbers of units located in that building.
            Example:   2237 Address
                  Bldg. "B" Building designation
                  Units 1 - 8 Units in building
            Minimum numeral size shall be 6" high with a stroke of 1" and shall contrast with the background.
      2.   Commercial - Individual units shall be addressed front and back. Minimum numeral size shall be 6" high with a stroke of 1" and shall contrast with the background. Units with entrances on both the front and rear of the building shall have identical addresses at both locations.
      3.   Industrial - Individual units within a building shall be addressed front and back. Individual buildings shall be marked at a point clearly visible from the street. Minimum numeral size shall be 12" high with a 3" wide stroke and shall contrast with the background. Units with entrances on both the front and rear of the building shall have identical addresses at both locations.
      4.   Lighting of building addresses - The building address for all new buildings constructed after the date of this ordinance shall be automatically lighted at night.
   O.   Subsection 2111.15 (Wood burning stove appliances) is added to Chapter 21 (Masonry) of the California Building Code to read as follows:
   Wood burning stove appliances. Any new wood-burning appliance must be one of the following:
      1.   A pellet-fueled wood device.
      2.   A U. S. EPA Phase II certified device; or
      3.   A low mass fireplace, masonry heater or other wood burning device of a make and model that meets EPA emission targets and has been approved in writing by the air pollution control officer of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District or the designee thereof.
   P.   Subsection 2304.12.1.6 of the CBC is amended to add the following sentence at the end thereof:
   Siding Materials: Wood shingles or shakes shall be Class B or better which comply with ASTM E108 or UL 790, except that in very high fire hazard severity zones, no wood shake or shingle siding shall be permitted regardless of class designation. See Section 1505.1.1 of the California Building Code for roofing standards in very high fire hazard severity zones.
(Ord. 2022-04 § 3 (part), 2022; Ord. 2019-08 § 3 (part), 2019; Ord. 2016-08 § 3 (part), 2016)