A.   List of Projects. The 2019 STMP Nexus Study fees provided for in this ordinance shall be used exclusively for the following summary of projects (note that more detailed project descriptions can be found in the 2019 STMP Nexus Study report):
      1.   San Pablo Avenue Complete Streets Projects - Transit, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements along several segments of San Pablo Avenue.
      2.   Appian Way Complete Streets Project - Pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access improvements along Appian Way in El Sobrante and in City of Pinole.
      3.   San Pablo Dam Road Improvements - Multimodal access improvements along San Pablo Dam Road through downtown El Sobrante.
      4.   Bay Trail Gap Closure - Improve transit access by closing three key Bay Trail gaps: along Goodrick Avenue in Richmond, between Bayfront Park and Pinole Creek in Pinole, and between Atlas Road and Cypress Avenue in unincorporated Contra Costa County.
      5.   Ohlone Greenway Improvements - Crossing, wayfinding, signing, lighting, safety, access and landscaping improvements along Ohlone Greenway.
      6.   I-580/Harbor Way Interchange Improvements - Improve pedestrian and bicycle access across interchange, to serve movements between waterfront/ferry terminal and central Richmond.
      7.   I-580/Marina Bay Parkway Interchange Improvements - Improve pedestrian and bicycle access across interchange, to serve movements between waterfront and downtown Richmond.
      8.   Richmond Ferry to Bridge Bicycle Improvements - Improve bicycle access between Richmond Ferry Terminal and Bay Trail near Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.
      9.   I-80 Express Bus - Capital Improvements associated with implementing I-80 Express Bus service between Hercules and Oakland/Emeryville/Berkeley/San Francisco, with possible intermediate stops.
      10.   Hercules Regional Intermodal Transportation Center - Complete construction of new Capitol Corridor train stop, with associated track improvements, parking and access facilities.
      11.   BART Extension from Richmond Station (Planning and Conceptual Engineering Phases) - Planning, conceptual engineering and/or program level environmental clearance phases of potential BART extension to Contra Costa College/City of San Pablo.
      12.   San Pablo Avenue Transit Corridor Improvements - Extension and improvement of bus rapid transit (BRT) and/or rapid bus service along San Pablo Avenue through West County, with stops including Richmond Parkway Transit Center and Hercules Transit Center.
      13.   23rd Street Transit Corridor Improvements - Provision of bus rapid transit (BRT) and/or rapid bus service along 23rd Street from Richmond Ferry Terminal/UC Berkeley Richmond Field Station to Richmond BART, to Contra Costa College, and potentially to Hilltop Mall.
      14.   West County BART Station Access and Parking Improvements - Station modernization and capacity enhancements, parking, and access improvements at El Cerrito Plaza, El Cerrito del Norte, and Richmond BART stations, and Richmond Crossover Project to allow increased frequency along Richmond line.
      15.   Del Norte Area TOD Public Infrastructure Improvements - Parking facilities, bicycle, pedestrian, and/or bus transit access improvements, signage, lighting, improvements to station access or station waiting areas, ADA improvements, improvements to adjacent streets, street crossings, or signals, and/or Ohlone Greenway improvements.
      16.   San Pablo Avenue Intersection Realignment - Intersection reconfiguration, potential signal modifications to accommodate pedestrian, bicycle, and bus rapid transit (BRT) access at intersection of San Pablo Avenue, 23rd Street, and Road 20.
      17.   I-80/San Pablo Dam Road Interchange Improvements, Phase 2 - Interchange reconstruction, new bridge over Wildcat Creek, and improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
      18.   I-80/Central Avenue Interchange Improvements, Phase 2 - Increase intersection spacing to increase vehicle capacity, connect Pierce Street and San Mateo Street, convert Pierce Street access at Central Avenue to right-in/right-out and improve multimodal access.
      19.   I-80/Pinole Valley Road Interchange Improvements - Improve merge from eastbound on-ramp to I-80, widen ramp terminal intersections, and make pedestrian crossing improvements.
      20.   Future Nexus Study Updates - Two comprehensive nexus studies and fee updates, over the 22-year planning horizon of the 2019 STMP fee.
   B.   Funding Commitments and Eligible Costs. Program revenues shall be available for project costs through completion of construction. Costs include, but are not limited to, environmental clearance, conceptual engineering, traffic studies, design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, and costs of construction. Actual funding commitments will depend upon STMP fee revenues collected and project priorities as determined by WCCTAC.
   Administrative costs for WCCTAC shall not exceed four percent (4%) of the STMP fee revenues collected under the Master Cooperative Agreement.
   C.   Implementation Schedule. WCCTAC, the project sponsors and co-sponsors, shall work to promote steady progress on all of the projects, to the extent that funding and project readiness permit.
(Ord. 2019-01 § 1 (part), 2019)