A. The following area is a designated area in which in-line skating and skateboarding is permitted:
1. The skate park at the Pinole Valley Park, just south of Pinole Valley Road, also known as the Pinole Skate Park.
2. Skateboarding is not permitted on any facilities owned or operated by the City outside of the designated area in subsection A.1.
B. The following rules and use restrictions are established for the use of skate parks:
1. In any skateboard park owned or operated by the city, any person riding a skateboard, in-line skates, or similar devices shall wear a fastened helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.
2. Use of devices other than those referenced in subsection B.1. are prohibited at any skateboard park owned or operated by the city. Prohibited devices include, but are not limited to, bikes, wave boards, and scooters.
3. The city shall cause a sign or signs to be posted at all skateboard parks or facilities providing reasonable notice of subsections B.1. and 2. of this section, as well as other rules and use restrictions that may apply, and stating that any person failing to comply with subsections B.1. or B.2. of this section will be guilty of an infraction and subject to citation.
4. The City Council may from time to time adopt such other rules, regulations and/or use restrictions as the City Council may deem appropriate by City Council Resolution; provided that the City Manager, or his or her designee, may also make rules and regulations and establish procedures in connection with any skateboard park, operated by the city, including but not limited to establishing, changing or modifying hours of operation.
C. Violations.
1. Any violation of the provisions of this Section 10.65.010 shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as provided in Chapter 10.76, and the fine for such violation of the ordinance shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 2015-02 §1, passed 2015).