In addition to any other remedies provided in this chapter, any violation of this chapter may be enforced by civil action brought by the City. In any such action, the City may seek, as appropriate, any or all of the following remedies:
   A.   A temporary restraining order, preliminary and permanent injunction;
   B.   An action for an unlawful business practice pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17206;
   C.   Reimbursement for the costs of any investigation, inspection or monitoring survey which led to the establishment of the violation, and for the reasonable costs, including attorney's fees, of preparing and bringing administrative action under this chapter;
   D.   Costs incurred in removing, correcting or terminating the adverse effect resulting from the violation;
   E.   Compensatory damages for loss or destruction to water quality, wildlife, fish and aquatic life. Costs and damages under this subsection shall be paid to the city and shall be used exclusively for costs associated with monitoring and establishing stormwater discharge pollution control systems and/or implementing or enforcing the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2004-16 § 1(part), 2004).