For purposes of this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, certain works and phrases have the meanings given in this section:
A. ANIMAL. Any mammalian animal, poultry, bird, reptile or fish.
B. ANIMAL ENCLOSURE. An enclosed area designed or used for keeping animals, including but not limited to, dog runs, chicken coops, cages, pens, animal houses, cars, etc. When an animal is tethered, the bounds of said tether shall be considered an animal enclosure.
C. APIARY. Bees and hives wherever they are kept, located or found.
D. BEES. Honey-producing insects of the genus Apis. It includes all life stages of such insects.
E. COMPANION ANIMAL. A horse or pony; however, this chapter shall not apply to horses or ponies allowed to pasture where the individual pastures exceed ten acres in area.
F. DOG. Any animal of the canine family.
G. FOWL. Any domesticated chicken, pigeon, rooster, duck, guinea, hen, peacock or turkey.
H. HIVE. Any receptacle or container, or part of any receptacle or container which is inhabited by a live colony of bees.
I. KENNEL. Any premises where three or more adult dogs are maintained, boarded, cared for, or trained or are kept or bred for sale. A dog more than six months old shall be considered an adult dog.
J. LIVESTOCK. All domesticated bovine, equine, caprine, ovine, swine, except potbellied pigs, avian and rodent species, including, but not limited to, cattle, donkeys, mules, burros, sheep, hogs or goats; provided, however, this chapter shall not apply to livestock allowed to pasture on land where the individual pastures exceed ten acres in area.
K. PIG, POTBELLIED. A registered, purebred miniature breed of swine/hog, weighing less than one-hundred pounds, also referred to as Vietnamese Potbelly, Oriental or Chinese Potbelly pigs.
L. PERSON. Any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation or company.
M. SMALL ANIMALS. Common domestic songbirds, talking birds, small turtles, goldfish, small tropical fish commonly kept in aquariums and fish ponds, pigeons, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, mice, ducks, chicken, geese or other fowl.
N. VICIOUS ANIMAL. Any animal which shows a propensity to attack, bite, scratch, or harass people or other animals without provocation as determined by the city police chief. (Ord. 585 § 1, 1996: Ord. 539 § 2 (part), 1991).