The guidelines below assist property owners and residents in the optimum development of solar energy systems. Refer to state law for mandatory state requirements.
   A.   Building-Mounted Solar Energy Systems - Construction Guidelines.
      1.   Consider designing at least one (1) section of roof with at least three hundred (300) square feet of uninterrupted space for the installation of solar energy systems. This space should be free of any skylights, equipment, parapets, or other structural obtrusion. This area of roof should be south-facing and free of shading.
      2.   Consider using an architectural style with flat roofs that would be conducive to the use of solar energy systems. Styles such as Italianate and some neo-classical architectural styles commonly include flat roofs. Parapet roofs can also be easily designed to support solar facilities.
   B.   Building Mounted Solar Energy Systems; Building Orientation. Buildings should be located to maximize energy efficiency through the creation of optimal conditions for the use of both passive and active solar strategies. Such strategies include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1.   Buildings should be oriented such that one (1) axis of each building is at least one and one half (1.5) times longer than the other and such that the longer axis is within fifteen (15) degrees of the geographical east/west axis. Projects or sites with more than one (1) building should be oriented such that at least seventy-five percent (75%) or more of all buildings satisfy these standards.
      2.   Projects or sites with more than one (1) building should be designed such that for seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the project's blocks, one (1) axis of each block is within fifteen (15) degrees of geographical east/west and the east/west length of each block is at least as long as, or longer than, the north/south length of the block.
      3.   The south-facing walls of buildings should not be more than twenty-five percent (25%) shaded, as measured at noon on December 21.
   C.   Shading. Buildings, landscaping, vegetation, fences, and other solar screens should be located and sited to the minimum extent possible so that they do not preclude or discourage the use of solar energy on-site and for adjacent properties and buildings. Consideration should be given to the mature height of trees and other landscaping. Where necessary, the Community Development Director may require submission of a map showing shadows cast by solar screens, including landscaping and vegetation at maturity, for 12:00 p.m. noon on December 21. Vegetation shading solar energy systems shall be removed in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 25980 et seq., which governs solar shading. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)