The purpose of this chapter is to establish requirements for yard areas, setbacks, and encroachments. These requirements, in conjunction with other applicable requirements of the Zoning Code, are intended to ensure open areas around primary structures; maintain clear visibility for traffic safety and pedestrian access, buffer between property and land uses; establish natural and visual light; establish air space privacy; and provide for landscaping, and recreation areas. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)
The rules for measurement of setbacks, yard areas, and encroachments contained in this chapter shall apply to all properties in the city and shall be in addition to any other applicable development standards and measurement rules contained elsewhere within the Zoning Code. This chapter shall be used in the application of required setbacks and yard areas as described in, and shall only be authorized in concert with the requirements of, Article II (Zoning Districts, Allowed Uses, and Development Standards). (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)
A. Required Yard Area. Except as otherwise specified in this title, required yard areas shall be kept free of buildings and structures.
B. Exclusivity of Required Yard Area. No yard or other open space provided around any building for the purpose of complying with this chapter shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building or structure.
C. Vertical Clearance. Except as otherwise provided in this title, every part of a required yard shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed. Building overhangs, bay windows, and other such elements may intrude as permitted, pursuant to Section 17.56.050 (Allowed Encroachments or Projections into Required Yards).
D. Lots Abutting Two (2) or More Streets. In the case of a lot abutting two (2) or more streets, the main buildings and accessory buildings shall be erected so as not to encroach upon the required yards of any of the streets.
E. Double-Frontage Lots. Where a double-frontage lot has a depth of one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet or more, such lot may be treated as two (2) lots, with the rear lie of each approximately equidistant from the front lot lines, provided all the yard requirements are met.
F. Lot Area, Depth, Width, and Setback Reduction. Where a lot area or a lot width, depth, or setback has been reduced for an existing legally created lot by not more than fifteen percent (15%) as a result of acquisition of dedication for a highway, road, drain, or other public purpose, as a result of dedication pursuant to a condition of approval, the lot area or yard so reduced may be included in determining compliance with lot area or yard requirements in the same manner as if the acquisition or dedication has not taken place.
G. Setback Measurement. The setback of all buildings and structures shall be measured at a right angle from the property line and determined by the exterior boundaries of the streets and highways and their proposed widening and extensions as indicated on the circulation plan roadway system and sizing map of the city's general plan, or if it does not appear in the circulation plan, in the city's improvement standards. Except as permitted in Section 17.56.050 (Allowed Encroachments or Projections into Required Yards), structures shall not extend beyond required setback lines.

H. Special Yard Requirements Prevail. Nothing contained in these general requirements shall be deemed to reduce special yard requirements as set forth in the regulations in Article II (Zoning Districts, Allowed Uses, and Development Standards).

(Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)
For yard requirements in Residential Districts, refer to Table 17.24.020-1 Residential Zoning Districts Development Standards in Article II (Zoning Districts, Allowed Uses, and Development Standards).
A. Front Yard Variation. In any full block of lots, the front yards may be varied so that the required yard depth is not reduced more than five (5) feet, the average of all lots equals the required yard depth, and the corner lot yards are not reduced.
B. Computation of Yards in Residential Zoning Districts.
1. In any residential district where fifty percent (50%) or more of the parcels in any one (1) block, or portion thereof in the same district, have been improved with buildings, the required front yard shall be of a depth equal to the average of the front yard of the improved sites, to a maximum requirement of ten (10) feet.
2. In any residential district where adjoining lots are improved with buildings, the front yard required for a vacant site shall be the average of the yards within sixty (60) feet of the site on each side thereof.
3. In case a dwelling is to be located so that the front yard or rear yard thereof faces any side lot line, such dwelling shall be located not less than ten (10) feet from such lot line. The shorter of the street frontages of a corner lot shall be considered in the front of the lot.
4. Corner Lot. A corner lot shall have a front setback along each property line adjacent to a street. Where the rear line of a corner lot lies along the side line of an adjoining interior lot in any residential district, the yard setback on the street side of the corner lot within twenty (20) feet of the side line of the interior lot shall be equal to the front yard required for the interior lot, and a clear five (5)-foot yard shall be maintained adjacent to the rear line of the corner lot.
C. Side Yard Computation. In cases where side yards are to be computed on the basis of twenty percent (20%) of the width of the lot under the terms of this chapter, no such side yard shall exceed sixteen (16) feet in width unless so required by other requirements.
D. Computation of Yards for Residential Buildings Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. Yards required for residential buildings that are permitted with a conditional use permit shall be as required for that particular district or as required for the R-4 Very High Density Zoning District, whichever yard requirements are greater. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)