(A) For water service, upon filing of application for service, the applicant shall pay a deposit with the Town Clerk in an amount established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the Town Hall.
(B) (1) Such deposit, or so much thereof as is not needed to pay delinquent bills, shall be returned to the customer on termination of use of the water system.
(2) All such proceeds shall be maintained in a separate bank account, and the Town Clerk and Treasurer is authorized, empowered, and hereby directed to withdraw the deposit of a subscriber of so much thereof as is necessary to pay the delinquent bill of such customer.
(A) For each new connection to the water system within the corporate limits of the town and for each new connection to the water system beyond the corporate limits of the town, the person or firm applying for water service shall pay to the town a $1,000 connection fee for a standard three-quarter-inch meter connection, up to a two-inch connection.
(B) A meter greater than two inches in size, or one in which the installation requires the use of a contractor, the entirety of the contractor fees will be born by the person or firm for whom it is being installed.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or other association, directly or indirectly, personally or through agents and employees, to tamper with, modify, change, or alter any water meter or connection, or to make any connection to the water system, or to reconnect service which has been discontinued for any reason without approval of the proper authority.
(Prior Code, § 52.07) (Ord passed 7-1-1962) Penalty, see § 52.99
The Public Works Department installs backflow devices in all new connections and actively seeks to retroactively install them in prior commercial connections lacking in this protection. The Supervisor seeks to fulfill the protections established in the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act being 42 U.S.C. §§ 300f et seq., the State Drinking Water Act being G.S. §§ 130A-311 et seq., and the State Building Code, as each pertains to establishing an effective ongoing program to control potential sources of contamination of the public water supply.
(Prior Code, § 52.08) (Res. passed 11-11-2003)