General Provisions
52.01 Monthly charges for water service
52.02 Water supplied on metered basis; exceptions
52.03 Use of water by Fire Department
52.04 Meter readings; bills rendered monthly
52.05 Security deposit
52.06 Connection fee
52.07 Tampering with water system equipment
52.08 Cross-connection control
Water Quality Protection
52.20 Definitions
52.21 Compliance with federal and state law
52.22 Unlawful connections
52.23 Inspection of property
52.24 Right of access
52.25 Existing conditions
52.26 Hazardous uses
52.27 Other connections
52.28 Installation of containment devices
52.29 New construction
52.30 Notification of consumer
52.31 Change in nature of use
52.32 Consumer responsibilities
52.33 Testing and maintenance of devices
52.34 Enforcement
52.35 Limitation of liability
52.99 Penalty
(A) All water service shall be supplied on a metered basis, except automatic sprinkler systems and private fire hydrants, which shall be charged a flat rate or rental as hereinafter provided.
(B) A separate meter shall be installed for each dwelling, business establishments, or other property subscribing to town water service.
(Prior Code, § 52.02) (Ord. passed 7-1-1962)
(A) All water meters shall be read and bills rendered monthly, and shall be due and payable at the time and place hereinafter prescribed.
(B) Any bill which shall be due and unpaid by the end of the fifteenth day of the calendar month next following the end of the month for which billed, shall be subject to an additional charge in such amount as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, and if not paid by the twenty-fifth of the following month, the service provided shall be disconnected and discontinued, and on payment of the delinquent bill, there shall be added a reconnecting fee in such amount as established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board. A copy of all such fee schedules shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the town hall. It shall be the duty of the person in charge of collecting water bills to notify the maintenance supervisor of the water system of all customers whose bill is delinquent; and it shall be the duty of such supervisor to cause the water service to such customer to be disconnected, if not paid within the time above specified.
(A) For water service, upon filing of application for service, the applicant shall pay a deposit with the Town Clerk in an amount established by a schedule of fees adopted and amended from time to time by the Town Board, a copy of which schedule shall be maintained and available for review during normal business hours at the Town Hall.
(B) (1) Such deposit, or so much thereof as is not needed to pay delinquent bills, shall be returned to the customer on termination of use of the water system.
(2) All such proceeds shall be maintained in a separate bank account, and the Town Clerk and Treasurer is authorized, empowered, and hereby directed to withdraw the deposit of a subscriber of so much thereof as is necessary to pay the delinquent bill of such customer.