Appendix E of the Pinehurst Development Ordinance - Subdivision Plats
The Village of Pinehurst requires electronic submission of all signed applications and supplemental materials including the submittal checklist and fees using the Village's Online Permit Center which may be accessed through the Village of Pinehurst website at If you have difficulty using this system, please contact Village staff for assistance. Final plats shall be submitted electronically to the Village Planner through the Online Permitting Center for review and to the County of Moore in accordance with recordation requirements of the Register of Deeds.
Subdivision Plat Information
Information to be submitted with applications for major and minor preliminary and final subdivision approval and for subdivision construction plans.
   [ ]   All maps shall be drawn to scale and the scale shall be not less than 1"=200'. An index plan shall be used where the subdivision is shown on more than one sheet;
   [ ]   Map size shall be electronically formatted to be reproducible at 24"x36", except that final plats shall conform to the dimensional requirements of the Moore County Review Officer and Register of Deeds;
   [ ]   All preliminary and final plats shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor of the State of North Carolina or a licensed Engineer of the State of North Carolina in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §47-30.
B.   Information Required for Major and Minor Preliminary Subdivisions:
   [ ]   Title block containing the name of the subdivision. Include previous names for approved subdivisions (if any), date and revision date(s);
   [ ]   Name and owner of the tract, surveyor, engineer and/or land planner, their addresses, business telephone, and fax numbers, and professional registration numbers (if any);
   [ ]   North arrow and scale
   [ ]   Zoning of the tract;
   [ ]   Acreage of tract;
   [ ]   Acreage of dedicated open space;
   [ ]   The total number of lots proposed;
   [ ]   Smallest lot;
   [ ]   Total linear feet in streets as measured along the center line;
    [ ]   Setbacks: Provide a table of minimum building setbacks, including:
      o   Front yard setback;
      o   Side yard setbacks;
      o   Any required landscaped or watershed buffers and other required setbacks or buffers;
      o   Rear yard setback;
      o   Corner yard setback;
   [ ]   The location on the property of all existing and proposed property lines, easements, political boundary lines, streets, buildings, water courses, railroads, transmission lines, sewers, bridges, culverts and drain pipes, water mains, and properties of historic or cultural significance;
   [ ]   Buildable area per lot, in square feet and existing built-upon area in lot in square feet and as a percentage of lot;
   [ ]   Area to be covered by impervious surface for the project;
   [ ]   Provide on plans, a listing of all approved conditions of the conditional zoning district, if applicable;
   [ ]   Indicate the names of adjoining property owners or subdivisions;
   [ ]   Indicate the zoning and existing land use of all adjoining properties;
   [ ]   Indicate the location of all property lines, setbacks, lot numbers, and lot dimensions in square feet and acres. Indicate the location of the existing property boundaries and the location of intersecting lines of adjoining properties by metes and bounds;
   [ ]   Provide a tree survey showing the location of any buffers and trees therein required under the provisions of this Ordinance and the location of any special environmentally sensitive areas affecting the subdivision, including a foraging study for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, wetlands, and floodplains and showing specimen trees as defined in the landscape section;
   [ ]   Indicate the location of proposed parks, school sites, or other open space, if any. Indicate if the property is private or public. If public, indicate if it is proposed to be dedicated to the Village.
   [ ]   Where required, indicate proposed streets, sidewalks, traffic control devices, street names, rights-of-way, roadway widths and approximate grades. Indicate if the streets are to be public or private. Show typical cross sections. Depict sight triangles per Section 9.1. (G) of the Pinehurst Development Ordinance and the 3.02.a of the Village of Pinehurst Engineering Standards and Specifications Manual. Street names are to be coordinated with 911 for duplication of names;
   [ ]   Provide a grading plan delineating existing ground contours at two (2) foot intervals relative to sea level and proposed contours to be followed as part of the development plan. A full topographic survey and grid of the site is not required;
   [ ]   Submit a sketch vicinity map showing the proposed subdivisions in relationship to surrounding property and streets;
   [ ]   Provide a plan showing the location, general type, and number of plantings required in the perimeter buffer, streetscape, and other required landscaping areas;
   [ ]   Trip generation based on ITE Standards and the Village Engineering Standards and Specifications Manual for the proposed uses along with proposed roadway/signal improvements for the development proposal.
   [ ]   Indicate driveway locations on adjacent properties along and across adjacent rights-of-way.
   [ ]   Any other information the Village Planner may deem reasonable and necessary to determine compliance with this Ordinance.
C.   Information Required for Major and Minor Final Plats:
   [ ]   Title block containing subdivision names; vicinity map; legal description including township, county and state; the date of any revisions to the plat; a North arrow and deflection; scale in feet per inch and a bar graph; the name and address of the owner(s); and the name, address, registration number and seal of the engineer and/or surveyor;
   [ ]   Exact boundary lines of tract in heavy line, full dimensions of lengths and bearings, and intersecting boundaries of adjoining lands;
   [ ]   Street names, rights-of-way lines, pavement widths of tract and adjacent streets, and the location and dimensions of all easements;
   [ ]   Accurate descriptions and locations of all monuments, markers, and control points;
   [ ]   Location, purpose, and dimensions of areas to be used for other than residential purposes;
   [ ]   Sufficient engineering data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground every straight or curved boundary, street, and setback line including dimensions, bearings, or deflection angles, radius, central angles, and tangent distances for the centerline of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets. All dimensions shall be measured to the nearest tenth and angles to the nearest minute;
   [ ]   Boundaries of floodways and one hundred-year flood plains, wetlands and water supply watershed designation;
   [ ]   Lots numbered consecutively throughout the subdivision;
   [ ]   The names of owners of adjoining properties;
   [ ]   Building setbacks (both on plat and in table format);
   [ ]   Site calculations, including:
      o   Total acreage;
      o   Total number of lots;
      o   Acreage in lots;
      o   Acreage in street rights-of-way;
      o   Linear feet of each individual street.
   D.   Submittal of Exempt and Final Plats for Recordation:
      One (l) paper copy of Exempt and Final Plats shall be submitted for signature by Village staff for recordation.
   E.   Certificates to be shown on Preliminary Subdivision Plats as Appropriate.
      1.   Minor Preliminary Subdivisions:
         Minor Preliminary Plat Approved
         Village Manager
         Village of Pinehurst
      2.   Major Preliminary Subdivision Plat Recommended for Approval
         I hereby certify that this major preliminary subdivision was approved by the Pinehurst Village Council on the                         day of                             , 20       
         Village Manager
      3.   Major Preliminary Subdivision Plat associated with an approved General Concept Plan.
         I hereby certify that this Major Preliminary Subdivision Plat is in accordance with the approved General Concept Plan and therefore deemed approved.
         Village Manager               Date
      4.   Certifications to be shown on Major and Minor Final Plats and Exempt Plats (use the appropriate certificates):
         Certificate of Approval
         Approved for recording by the Village Planner of the Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina on the                                  day of                                    , 20       pursuant to the Pinehurst Development Ordinance. Must be recorded within thirty (30) days of this date.
         Village Planner
         Village of Pinehurst
         Certificate of Survey and Accuracy
         I,                                                                  , certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervision (deed description recorded in Book           , Page          , etc.) (other); that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly indicated as drawn from information found in Book            , Page           ; that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1:          ; that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my original signature, registration number and seal this
                                     day of                    , 20          .
         Seal or Stamp
         Registration #
         Certificate of Ownership and Dedication
         I (We) hereby certify that I am (we are) owner(s) of the property shown and described herein, that the property is within the Subdivision Jurisdiction of the Village of Pinehurst and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent and hereby establish all lots and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks and other open space to public or private use as noted.
         NCDOT Construction Standards Certification
         (for NCDOT Streets)
         Department of Transportation
         Division of Highways
         Proposed Subdivision Road
         Construction Standards Certificate
         District Engineer
         Onsite Water and/or Sewer Note
         (where appropriate)
         Note: (ALL the LOTS) or (LOTS #                          ) as shown on this Plat are proposed to be served with onsite water and/or sewer systems. The lots as shown meet the minimum size prescribed by the Moore County Health Department for such system(s). However, the recording of this Plat does not guarantee that any such lots will meet the requirements for the approval by the Health Department for such onsite system(s).
         Engineer/Surveyor License or Registration #
         Special Flood Hazard Area Note
         (word to represent actual situation)
            Note: (Part of) this property (does)(does not) lie in a Special Flood Hazard Area
         Reference: Flood Panel #                                       
         Date:                                (of Panel)
         (If part of the property is in a Special Flood Hazard Area, it shall be shown graphically on the plat.)
         Review Officer Certificate 
         State of North Carolina
         County of Moore
         I,                                                       , Review Officer of Moore County, certify that the map or plat to which this certificate is affixed meets all statutory requirements for recording.
         Review Officer
         Register of Deeds Certificate
         State of North Carolina,                            Moore                             County
         This instrument was presented for registration and recorded in Map Book                  , Page         , this                     day of                     , 20 at                 (a.m.)(p.m.).
         Register of Deeds
         Certificate of Exemption
         I hereby certify that this plat is exempt from the development ordinance under the definitions of subdivision contained in N.C.G.S. 160D-802 and Section 10 of the Village of Pinehurst Development Ordinance for one of the following reasons:
            a.   The combination or recombination of portions of previously subdivided and recorded lots where the total number of lots is not increased and the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards set forth in this Ordinance;
            b.   The division of land into parcels larger than ten (10) acres where no street right-of-way dedication;
            c.   The public purchase of strips of land for the widening or opening of streets; or
            d.   The division of a tract of land in single ownership whose entire area is no greater than two (2) acres in three (3) or fewer lots where no street right-of- way dedication is involved and where the resulting lots are equal to or exceed the standards set forth in this Ordinance.
         Village Manager
   F.   Plat Certificates.
(Ord. 14-35, passed 09-24-2014; Ord. 21-12, passed 07-27-2021; Ord. 21-14, passed 10-26-2021)