18.77.030   Setback lines for streets.
   A.   Purpose. To more properly establish adequate future street widths and setback lines on certain streets in the unincorporated areas of Pima County and in order to provide adequate light, air, and parking facilities and to expedite traffic within the districts.
   B.   Setback Lines in General.
      1.   All buildings or structures or any part of such buildings or structures, except signs (as defined in Section 18.79.020, Sign Standards), shall have setback requirements of half the required right-of-way width for all Major Streets and Routes as designated on the Major Streets and Scenic Routes Plan, as it may be amended and supplemented.
      2.   Permits for signs will be issued by the zoning inspector only when accompanied by an agreement signed by the property owner stating that the sign would be relocated at no expense to Pima County if additional right-of-way is required or when adjoining roadway improvements would necessitate such relocation.
      3.   Setback Exception for Walls, Fences and Private Swimming Pools.
         a.   Walls and fences shall be permitted within required yards and setback areas as specified in Section 18.07.050(B), Exception for Walls and Fences, and Chapter 18.73, Landscaping, Screening and Buffering Standards;
         b.   Private swimming pools are permitted within required setback areas as specified in Section 18.07.030(D)(1) (Land Use Regulations — Swimming Pools — Private).
      4.   If a front, side or rear yard requirement or street setback line as provided in this code is more than the setback required by this subsection, the greater requirement shall prevail.
      5.   The setback shall not apply to any residential lot of record prior to the enactment of this subsection as adopted on August 6, 1952, if the setback line reduces the depth of the buildable area to less than forty feet or the width to less than sixty feet.
      6.   This subsection shall not be construed as a waiver of yard requirements within the zone if they are greater than the above limits.
      7.   In any business or industrial zone, a marquee, canopy, or awning or other such structure suspended from a building, for the purpose of giving the appearance of shelter or shade, may project ten feet into the required setback; provided, that such structure shall be no less than ten feet above the grade where the structure is located.
   C.   Setback Requirements for Specified Streets.
      1.   No permit for any building or structure or any part thereof shall be issued by the zoning inspector, and no building or structure or any part thereof shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered so that any part thereof would be or extend streetward at a less distance to the centerline of the following streets than as follows: (see Table 18.77.030)
      2.   On La Canada Drive from River Road to Lambert Lane the one-hundred-five-foot building setback from the centerline of La Canada Drive shall not be varied without the unanimous approval of the board of supervisors and shall not be subject to any other variance provision of this code.
Table 18.77.030
Distance from Approved Centerline:
Oracle Rd/ Tucson-Florence Highway
From Rudasil Road to Pinal-Pima County line
150 feet
Old Spanish Trail
From the city limits to southeast corner of Sec. 30, T14S, R16E
100 feet
(Ord. 2020-41, § 4, 2020; Ord. 2016-2, § 1 (part), 2016; Ord. 1996-58 § 1, 1996; Ord. 1995-42 § 5 (part), 1995; Ord. 1994-112 § 1 (part), 1994; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)