18.63.110   Specific regulations—Fort Lowell historic district zone (H-2).
   A.   Purpose. To insure harmonious growth and development, prevent dilution of the district's historic integrity, and encourage continued use of the historic resources in their original appearance and setting, the specific provisions and development of this section are adopted for the Fort Lowell historic district by the board of supervisors.
   B.   Historic District Zone.
      1.   Because of the large area occupied by Fort Lowell Park, the entire remaining portion of the Fort Lowell historic district shall constitute the development zone.
      2.   Since a multi-unit development such as the townhouse condominium complex, with or without cluster option, would be incompatible with and would overshadow this small district's distinguishing identity, new residential development shall be:
         a.   Confined to one-story, individual (detached), single-family residences of non-uniform facades; and
         b.   Separated by open areas as specified in the underlying zoning.
      3.   All accessory structures such as garages, carports, sheds, patio walls, and fences, shall be designed and constructed so that they are compatible with the aesthetic character of the residences with which they are associated.
      4.   In view of the fact that at the time of historic designation, the district's developed parcels, largely CR-3 and CR-2, had long maintained a density below that allowed in the underlying zoning, homeowners in such CR-3 and CR-2 zones shall be encouraged to petition for lower density zoning and, if and when petition is made for higher density zoning on the SR parcels, the maximum density permitted shall be that of CR-1.
      5.   Consistent with the district's semi-rural nature:
         a.   New roadways, lanes, and externally visible driveways shall be constructed without curbs or pedestrian pavements and with surfacing that blends with existing landscape; and
         b.   No grid plan of streets is to be superimposed upon the area;
      6.   Vegetation on all externally visible land areas in front of and between buildings in developed parcels shall have the unlandscaped appearance and natural, native growth characteristic of the district.
      7.   Parking areas common to more than two dwellings shall be prohibited.
      8.   New above ground power and telephone line installations shall be prohibited.
   C.   Buffer Zone.
      1.   Purpose and Establishment. To promote growth and development in the county without impairing the sense of neighborhood and the historic integrity of the Fort Lowell historic district, a buffer zone is hereby established.
      2.   Scope.
         a.   The buffer zone shall extend from the east, north and west borders of the district.
         b.   Where the border runs along the boundary line between lots, the buffer zone includes those lots or portions of lots within two hundred feet of the border.
         c.   Where the boarder lies along a dedicated roadway, highway or easement, the buffer zone includes those lots or portions of lots within two hundred feet of the dedicated right-of-way.
      3.   Any new or remodeled structure shall be limited to one story and of a height not to exceed sixteen feet.
      4.   Signs in the buffer zone shall be subject to 18.79.050(W) (Sign Standards).
      5.   Lighting in the buffer zone shall be subject to Section 18.63.110(G).
      6.   No building permit shall be issued for the erection or construction of a new structure, the modification, addition to or alteration of an existing structure or the installation of a sign or lighting within the historic district buffer zone without the written certification of the historic district advisory board that the application for such permit complies with the above requirements.
   D.   Permitted Uses. Any use permitted by the existing zones over which this historic district zone is superimposed shall be allowed, so long as it is carried out in a manner which does not diminish the historic district's visual distinction.
   E.   Off-street Parking Requirements. Parking spaces are required by this code and shall be provided on or off the site but no more than six hundred feet beyond the historic district zone boundary.
   F.   Signs. In accordance with Section 18.79.050(W) (Sign Standards).
   G.   Lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15).
(Ord. 2011-2 § 15 (part), 2011; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)