18.57.020   Definitions.
   A.   General. Certain terms used in this chapter shall be defined, for general purposes of this chapter as follows:
      1.   Airport. A land area used for the landing and departure of aircraft.
      2.   Communications Nuisance. A use which creates interference with radio communications and electronic navigational aids or devices, including instrument landing systems, for aircraft using the airport.
      3.   Dangerous Activity, Hazard or Obstruction. An activity, structure, vegetation or other use which is dangerous to persons or aircraft using the airport or which is an obstruction or hazard to air navigation.
      4.   FAA. Federal Aviation Administration.
      5.   Illumination Nuisance. A use which creates difficulty for pilots to distinguish between navigational lights or markers and other lights.
      6.   Noise-sensitive Land Use.
         a.   An activity on or use of property which is acutely sensitive to aircraft noise generation. Examples include, but are not limited to: site-built residential uses; educational, cultural and religious facilities; health services; tourist lodging services; outdoor recreational or entertainment facilities; theaters; offices; research laboratories; and government designated wilderness areas or monuments; or
         b.   Such unconstructed uses as listed above, having an approved subdivision plat, development plan or building permit.
      7.   Visibility Nuisance. A use which creates a hazard to air navigation by reducing visibility.
   B.   Airport Environs Zone. Certain terms used in Sections 18.57.030 and 18.57.031 shall be defined, for purposes of those sections, as follows:
      1.   Airport Environs. Property within the boundary of a height or land use overlay zone for Tucson International Airport, Ryan Field, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base or Pinal Airpark, as mapped in Section 18.57.060.
      2.   ADC: Approach-Departure Corridor.
         a.   Approach-Departure Corridor One (ADC-1). An area extending from three thousand to twelve thousand feet from the northwest end of the runway at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, as shown on Airport Land Use Overlay Map Zone 3.
         b.   Approach-Departure Corridor Two (ADC-2). An area extending from three thousand feet to thirty thousand feet from the southeast end of the runway at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, as shown on Airport Land Use Overlay Map Zone 3.
         c.   Approach-Departure Corridor Three (ADC-3). An area extending from thirty thousand to fifty thousand two hundred feet from the southeast end of the runway at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, as shown on Airport Land Use Overlay Map Zone 3.
      3.   CUZ: Compatible Use Zone.
      4.   Ldn: Day-Night Average Sound Level. Ldn values are expressed in decibels and represent the average noise level over a twenty-four hour period for an average day of the year. For Tucson International Airport, the Ldn values are calculated based on an FAA integrated noise model, which averages noise over a calendar year. For Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ldn values are calculated based on the Department of Defense Noise Map model which averages noise over the total flying days of the year.
      5.   NCZ: Noise Control Zone.
         a.   Noise Control Zone-A (NCZ-A). A modeled noise exposure area between the sixty-five and seventy Ldn noise contours in the vicinity of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, as shown on Airport Land Use Overlay Map Zone 3.
         b.   Noise Control Zone-B (NCZ-B). A modeled noise exposure area consisting of the areas between the seventy and seventy-five Ldn noise contours, the seventy-five and eighty Ldn noise contours, and within the eighty Ldn noise contour area in the vicinity of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, as shown on Airport Land Use Overlay Map Zone 3.
      6.   Net Lot Area. The total lot area minus the area dedicated for rights-of-way.
      7.   RSZ: Runway Safety Zone.
   C.   Private Airports, General Aviation Airstrips and Ultralight Facilities. Certain terms used in Sections 18.57.040 and 18.57.050 shall be defined, for purposes of the sections, as follows:
      1.   Airport, Private. An airport used by or available to commercial carriers, flight training or flying schools, and private pilots.
      2.   Airstrip. An airport, used solely by the owner of the property, accommodating general aviation aircraft and ultralight aircraft.
      3.   General Aviation Aircraft. Aircraft with a maximum twelve thousand five hundred pounds gross weight, excluding ultralight aircraft.
      4.   Ultralight Flightpark. An airport used by the general public or an ultralight flying club for ultralight aircraft operation.
(Ord. 2008-118 § 3 (part), 2008; Ord. 1986-188 § 1 (part), 1986)