A. "Alter" means to permanently surgically sterilize animals of either gender.
B. "Canine-wild animal hybrid" means any animal that is part dog and part wolf or coyote; wolf-dogs and coyote dogs, also called wolf hybrids and coyote hybrids.
C. "Permanent identification" means unique identifiable markings that have been permanently implanted or affixed by a licensed veterinarian, such as a microchip or a tattoo.
D. "Owner" means any person owning, keeping, possessing, harboring, maintaining, having custody, or otherwise having control of an animal within Pima County.
(Ord. 2006-57 § 2 (part), 2006)
A. Any person who owns, keeps, possesses, harbors, or maintains a canine-wild animal hybrid within the unincorporated county limits for more than thirty cumulative days must have a valid permit issued by Pima County Animal Care for each animal.
B. Canine-wild animal hybrid permits shall not be issued unless the following conditions are met:
1) The applicant must be at least eighteen years of age.
2) The applicant must provide proof that the animal has permanent identification.
3) The applicant must have a secure fenced or walled yard that is accessible to and usable by the animal that will prevent the animal from escaping. Apartments without private yards are not acceptable. If, after obtaining a permit, the owner no longer has the required yard, the permit will be invalid.
4) The applicant must provide proof that the animal has been altered by a licensed veterinarian if the animal is five months of age or older. If the animal is less than five months of age and is unaltered, the applicant may be issued a temporary permit that will expire on the day the animal reaches the age of five months.
5) The applicant has not been convicted of or found responsible for neglect or mistreatment of an animal and has not within the past ten years been convicted of a felony.
6) The applicant is not subject to a court order requiring the forfeiture of a canine-wild animal hybrid or prohibiting the ownership or possession of such an animal.
C. If ownership of the animal is transferred, the releasing owner, before the transfer occurs, must notify animal care in writing of the new owner's name, address and telephone number; together with the animal's description; the permit number, if any; and the tattoo or microchip number, if any. The new owner must obtain a new permit.
D. Permits must include the name, address and telephone number of the permit holder and the address where the canine-wild animal hybrid will be kept.
E. If a rabies vaccination for canine-wild animal hybrids receives approval of the Arizona State veterinarian, the owners of these hybrids shall have them vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian, and shall keep the vaccination current.
(Ord. 2006-57 § 2 (part), 2006)
A temporary permit issued in accordance with this chapter requires no payment. A standard permit issued in accordance with this chapter requires payment of a fifteen-dollar fee and must be renewed annually. Permits issued in accordance with this chapter may not be transferred. The permit terminates upon transfer to another owner. A duplicate permit will be furnished to a canine-wild animal hybrid owner, upon request by the owner, for a fee of ten dollars.
(Ord. 2009-27 § 4, 2009: Ord. 2008-62 § 2, 2008: Ord. 2006-57 § 2 (part), 2006)