5.04.290   County Administration.
   A.   The county administrator shall administer cable communications operations within the county as governed by this chapter and applicable license agreements. The county administrator or designee may take all administrative action on behalf of the county except for those actions specified herein which are reserved for the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors has the sole authority to: grant licenses, modify license agreements, renew licenses, revoke licenses, and authorize the transfer of licenses.
   B.   The county reserves the right during the term of the license agreement and during normal business hours and upon the giving of reasonable notice to examine, audit, review and obtain copies of the licensee's contracts, engineering plans, accounting, financial data, and service records relating to the property and operations of the licensee and to all other records required to be kept pursuant to this chapter.
   C.   The county expressly reserves the right to regulate a licensee's rates and charges to the extent permitted by law at any time it deems it to be desirable or in the public interest. If the county decides to exercise any such authority it may have, it shall develop regulations which shall govern the procedure pursuant to which a licensee may seek authority for rate increases.
(Ord 1997-17 § 3, 1997; Prior code § 19.12.010(A))