A. Unless otherwise specified, interpretation of all ambient air quality standards contained in this title shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 50.
B. The evaluation of air quality data in terms of procedure, methodology, and concept is to be consistent with methods described in 40 CFR 50.
(Ord. 1993-128 § 2 (part), 1993)
17.08.100 Designation and classification of attainment areas.
A. All attainment and unclassified areas or parts thereof shall be classified as either Class I, Class II or Class III.
B. All of the following areas which were in existence on August 7, 1977, including any boundary changes to those areas which occurred subsequent to the date of enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 and before March 12, 1993, shall be Class I areas irrespective of attainment status and shall not be redesignated:
1. International parks.
2. National wilderness areas which exceed five thousand acres in size.
3. National memorial parks which exceed five thousand acres in size.
4. National parks which exceed six thousand acres in size.
C. The following areas shall be designated only as Class I or II:
1. An area which as of August 7, 1977, exceeds ten thousand acres in size and is one of the following:
a. A national monument.
b. A national primitive area.
c. A national preserve.
d. A national recreational area.
e. A national wild and scenic river.
f. A national wildlife refuge.
g. A national lakeshore or seashore.
2. A national park or national wilderness area established after August 7, 1977, which exceeds ten thousand acres in size.
D. All other areas shall be Class II areas unless redesignated under subsections E or F of this section.
E. The Governor or the Governor's designee may request that the administrator redesignate areas of the state as Class I or Class II, provided that the following requirements are fulfilled:
1. At least one public hearing is held in or near the area affected.
2. Other states, Indian governing bodies and federal land managers, whose land may be affected by the proposed redesignation are notified at least thirty days prior to the public hearing.
3. A discussion document of the reasons for the proposed redesignation including a description and analysis of health, environmental, economic, social and energy effects of the proposed redesignation is prepared by the Governor or the Governor's designee. The discussion document shall be made available for public inspection at least thirty days prior to the hearing and the notice announcing the hearing shall contain appropriate notification of the availability of such discussion document.
4. Prior to the issuance of notice respecting the redesignation of an area which includes any federal lands, the Governor or the Governor's designee has provided written notice to the appropriate federal land manager and afforded the federal land manager adequate opportunity, not in excess of sixty days, to confer with the state respecting the redesignation and to submit written comments and recommendations. The Governor or the Governor's designee shall publish a list of any inconsistency between such redesignation and such recommendations, together with the reasons for making such redesignation against the recommendation of the federal land manager, if any federal land manager has submitted written comments and recommendations.
5. The redesignation is proposed after consultation with the elected leadership of local governments in the area covered by the proposed redesignation.
6. The redesignation is submitted to the administrator as a revision to the SIP.
F. The Governor or the Governor's designee may request that the administrator redesignate areas of the state as Class III if all of the following criteria are met:
1. Such redesignation meets the requirements of subsection E of this section.
2. Such redesignation has been approved after consultation with the appropriate committee of the legislature if it is in session or with the leadership of the legislature if it is not in session.
3. The general purpose units of local government representing a majority of the residents of the area to be redesignated concur in the redesignation.
4. Such redesignation shall not cause, or contribute to, concentration of any air pollutant which exceeds any maximum allowable increase or maximum allowable concentration permitted under the classification of any area.
5. For any new major source or a major modification of such source which may be permitted to be constructed and operated only if the area in question is redesignated as Class III, any permit application or related materials shall be made available for public inspection prior to a public hearing.
6. The redesignation is submitted to the administrator as a revision to the SIP.
G. A redesignation shall not be effective until approved by the administrator as part of an applicable implementation plan.
H. Lands within the exterior boundaries of Indian reservations may be redesignated only by the appropriate Indian governing body.
(Ord. 1995-87 § 9, 1995: Ord. 1994-83 § 4, 1994: Ord. 1993-128 § 2 (part), 1993)
An area defined by the following Township/Range/Section coordinates, as listed in 40 CFR 81.303, shall be an attainment area for CO:
Designated Area | Designation | Classification | ||
Date | Type | Date | Type | |
Tucson Area: Pima County Township and Ranges as follows: T11-12S, R12-14E; T13-15S, R11-16E; and T16S, R12-16E Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian excluding portions of the Saguaro National Monument and the Coronado National Forest. | July 10, 2000 | Attainment |
(Ord. 2004-97 § 2 (part), 2004; Ord. 1993-128 § 2 (part), 1993)