   The Board shall not issue a license to any who:
   (A)   Has been convicted of unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs;
   (B)   Is not a resident of North Carolina;
   (C)   Is of immoral character; or
   (D)   Is an habitual user of alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs.
(1993 Code, § 60.03)
   Licensees under this chapter shall not and neither shall their employees:
   (A)   Suffer or permit any gambling on the licensed premises at any time; nor the sale or use of any racing, football or other parlay cards or gambling boards or devices;
   (B)   Suffer or permit the licensed premises to become disorderly or permit any profane, obscene or indecent language thereon;
   (C)   Employ in carrying on the business any person who has been convicted of unlawfully selling alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs.
   (D)   Suffer or permit the sale of any narcotic drugs or controlled substance on the premises or on the sidewalk immediately adjacent thereto;
   (E)   Suffer or permit any customer to urinate or defecate on the sidewalk or any area immediately adjacent to the premises;
   (F)   Suffer or permit the use of alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs on the premises or on the sidewalk immediately adjacent thereto; and/or
   (G)   Suffer or permit littering on the premises or on the sidewalk immediately adjacent thereto.
(1993 Code, § 60.04)  (Ord. passed  -  -)  Penalty, see § 10.99
   The following rules shall be observed by all operators of game rooms within the town.
   (A)   All game rooms shall be closed from 11:00
p.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and shall be closed from 11:00 p.m. on Fridays to 9:00 a.m. on Saturdays, and shall be closed from 11:00 p.m. on Saturdays to 9:00 a.m. on Mondays.
   (B)   No play on any game shall be allowed during the times when game rooms are required by this chapter to remain closed.
   (C)   All game rooms shall be operated only on the ground floor of a building and plate glass windows shall be in those parts of the building facing any street, so that a clear view inside the street.
   (D)   No screens, curtains, blinds, partitions or other obstructions shall be placed between the entrance to the room where games are played and the rear wall of such room so that a clear view of the interior may be had from the street.
   (E)   No loud noises shall be allowed to emanate beyond the licensed premises.
   (F)   There must be an adult (18 years of age or older) managing the business on the premises at all times during the hours of operation.
(1993 Code, § 60.05)  (Ord. passed  -  - )  Penalty, see § 10.99
   The  removal  from  one  location  to  another  of  any  business designated above shall be deemed as the granting of a new license and the provisions of this chapter regarding new licenses shall apply in all respects to the removal of any game room, heretofore licensed and in operation from its present location where it was operating when its last license was issued to any other or different location within the town. An application for removal shall contain the address a location where the business is then being operated and also the address of the new location where applicant desires to remove same.
(1993 Code, § 60.06)
   After giving the operator of a game room written notice at five days prior to a meeting of the Town Board and after allowing the operator an opportunity to be heard by the Board, the Board may revoke the license of any game room operator who:
   (A)   Violates the provisions of §§ 113.04 or 113.05;
   (B)   Is convicted of unlawfully selling alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs; and/or
   (C)   Employs another person who has been convicted of unlawfully selling alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs.
(1993 Code, § 60.07)  (Ord. passed - -)