   113.01   Definition
   113.02   Licenses required
   113.03   Restrictions
   113.04   Prohibited conduct
   113.05   Rules for operation
   113.06   Removal to another location
   113.07   Revocation of license
§ 113.01  DEFINITION.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GAME ROOM. Any place of business which receives more than 50 of its gross revenues from mechanical or video games, play devices or tables  for which charge  is made either directly or indirectly. Examples of GAME ROOMS, by way of illustration and not limitation, are: poolrooms, bowling alleys, billiard halls, amusement centers, video game rooms and the like.
(1993 Code, § 60.01)  (Ord. passed  - -)
   (A)   Every operator of a game room shall be required to pay a privilege license tax in accordance with the  privilege ordinance.
   (B)   In addition, every operator of a game room shall apply for and obtain a license from the Board to operate a game room.
   (C)   Application for such shall be made upon forms provided by the Town Clerk.
   (D)   An application fee of $50 shall be paid to and collected by the Town Clerk when the application is submitted plus $5 for each video game operating on the premises to cover the cost of administration of this chapter. From time to time, as video games are added, the $5 per machine shall be remitted to the Town Clerk prior to permitting the machine to be used by customers.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful to operate a game room without a license as required by division (B) above.
(1993 Code, § 60.02)  (Ord. passed  -  -)  Penalty, see § 10.99
   The Board shall not issue a license to any who:
   (A)   Has been convicted of unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs;
   (B)   Is not a resident of North Carolina;
   (C)   Is of immoral character; or
   (D)   Is an habitual user of alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs.
(1993 Code, § 60.03)
   Licensees under this chapter shall not and neither shall their employees:
   (A)   Suffer or permit any gambling on the licensed premises at any time; nor the sale or use of any racing, football or other parlay cards or gambling boards or devices;
   (B)   Suffer or permit the licensed premises to become disorderly or permit any profane, obscene or indecent language thereon;
   (C)   Employ in carrying on the business any person who has been convicted of unlawfully selling alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs.
   (D)   Suffer or permit the sale of any narcotic drugs or controlled substance on the premises or on the sidewalk immediately adjacent thereto;
   (E)   Suffer or permit any customer to urinate or defecate on the sidewalk or any area immediately adjacent to the premises;
   (F)   Suffer or permit the use of alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs on the premises or on the sidewalk immediately adjacent thereto; and/or
   (G)   Suffer or permit littering on the premises or on the sidewalk immediately adjacent thereto.
(1993 Code, § 60.04)  (Ord. passed  -  -)  Penalty, see § 10.99