   Before application is made for the construction of a building or other structure more than 100 feet in height, notice shall be served to the Mayor or City Clerk by the property owner and tenant/lessee and contracting company.
(Prior Code KOC, § 950.5, passed 4-15-2002)
   (A)   (1)   This notice shall be accompanied by a permit application fee of $500 and shall include a copy of the proposed plan of construction, including site location, a narrative statement explaining the full details of the proposed building or other structure and certifying that the proposed building or structure will be constructed in compliance with all ordinances, statutes and other regulatory guidelines or directives.
      (2)   A statement explaining whether contiguous residents and/or property owners are in favor of or opposed to the proposed building or other structure.
   (B)   A contiguous property is one that is physically visible to the proposed construction site or within range of sound or smell to be created by the proposed building or other structure and/or the activity to be conducted at the building or other structure when completed.
(Prior Code KOC, § 950.5, passed 4-15-2002)
§ 150.032 STATEMENT.
   This statement concerning whether contiguous residents and/or property owners are in favor of or opposed to the proposed building or other structure shall include a statement of how many residents and/or property owners are in favor or opposed and shall advise of the date of the meetings with the residents and/or property owners, when such favor or opposition was obtained.
(Prior Code KOC, § 950.5, passed 4-15-2002)
   (A)   Once notice has been properly served, the Town Council or a committee designated by the Town Council to review proposed plans of construction, shall review the proposed plan of construction and statement explaining whether contiguous residents and/or property owners are in favor of or opposed to the proposed building or other structure.
   (B)   The Town Council shall, either on its own recommendation or that of a designated committee, issue a certificate, certifying that the form and attachments have been properly filed a copy being provided to the applicant and the Oldham County Planning and Zoning Commission shall or may request additional information be provided prior to approval or issuance of such a certificate.
(Prior Code KOC, § 950.5, passed 4-15-2002)