General Provisions
   38.01   Title
   38.02   Definitions
   38.03   Effective date
Standards of Conduct
   38.15   Conflicts of general interest
   38.16   Conflicts of interest in contracts
   38.17   Receipt of gifts
   38.18   Nepotism
Financial Disclosure
   38.30   Who must file
   38.31   Contents of the financial interests statement and filing requirements
   38.32   Noncompliance with filing requirements
   38.45   Board of Ethics created
   38.46   Power and duties of Board
   38.47   Filing and investigation of complaints
   38.48   Notice of hearings
   38.49   Hearing procedure
   38.50   Appeals
   38.51   Limitation of actions
   38.99   Penalty
§ 38.01 TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “City of Pewee Valley, Kentucky Code of Ethics.”
(Prior Code KOC, § 160.1, passed 11-5-1994)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS. Any corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, holding company, joint stock company, receivership, trust, professional service corporation, limited liability company or any legal entity through which business is conducted for profit.
   BOARD OF ETHICS. The City of Pewee Valley Board of Ethics which is created and vested by this chapter with the responsibility of enforcing the requirements of the city’s code of ethics.
   CANDIDATE. Any individual who seeks nomination or election to a city office. An individual is a candidate when the individual files a notification and declaration for nomination for office with the County Clerk or Secretary of State, or is nominated for office by a political party, or files a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate with the county clerk or secretary of state.
   CITY. The City of Pewee Valley, Kentucky.
   CITY AGENCY. Any board, commission, authority, nonstock corporation or other entity created, either individually or jointly, by the city.
   EMPLOYEE. Any person, whether full-time or part-time, and whether paid or unpaid, who is employed by or provides service to the city, except those persons who perform professional services as a physician, attorney, accountant, engineer, architect or editor of the city. The term EMPLOYEE shall not include any contractor or subcontractor or any of their employees.
   FAMILY MEMBER. Spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent or grandchild.
   IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBER. A spouse, an unemancipated child residing in the officer’s or employee’s household, or a person claimed by the officer or employee, or the officer’s or employee’s spouse, as a dependent for tax purposes.
   OFFICER. Any person, whether full-time or part-time, and whether paid or unpaid, who is 1 of the following: Mayor, Council Member, City Clerk, City Treasurer, any person who occupies a nonelected office created under KRS 83A.080, a. member of the governing body of any city agency who has been appointed to the governing body of the agency by the city, except those persons who perform professional services as a physician, attorney, accountant, engineer, architect or Editor of the Call of the Pewee.
(Prior Code KOC, § 160.1, passed 11-5-1994)
   This chapter shall take full force and effect on January 1, 1995 and publication shall be as required by KRS 83A.060.
(Prior Code KOC, § 160.1, passed 11-5-1994)
   Every officer and employee of the city and every city agency shall comply with the following standards of conduct:
   (A)   No officer or employee, or any immediate family member of any officer or employee, shall have an interest in a business or engage in any business, transaction or activity, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the officer’s or employee’s public duties.
   (B)   No officer or employee shall intentionally use or attempt to use his or her official position with the city to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for himself or herself or others.
   (C)   No officer or employee shall act in his or her official capacity in any matter where he or she, a member of his or her immediate family, or a business organization in which he or she has an interest, has direct or indirect financial or personal involvement that might reasonably be expected to impair his or her objectivity or independence of judgment.
   (D)   No officer or employee shall undertake any employment or service, for compensation or not, which might reasonably be expected to prejudice his or her independence of judgment in the exercise of his or her official duties.
   (E)   No officer or employee shall be deemed in violation of any provision in this section if, by reason of the officer’s or employee’s participation, vote, decision, action or inaction, no financial benefit accrues to the officer or employee, a family member, an outside employer, or a business as defined herein as a member of any business, occupation, profession or other group, to any greater extent than any gain could reasonably be expected to accrue to any other member of the business, occupation, profession or other group.
(Prior Code KOC, § 160.1, passed 11-5-1994)