General Provisions
   153.001   Short title
   153.002   Purpose
   153.003   Scope
   153.004   Definitions
   153.015   Administration
   153.016   Building permits
   153.017   Certificate of occupancy
Board of Appeals
   153.030   Membership and appointment
   153.031   Power of the Board of Appeals
   153.032   Vote required for decisions of the Board of Appeals
   153.033   Meetings
   153.034   Records of the Board of Appeals
   153.035   Board of Appeals’ hearings, notice
   153.036   Decisions of the Board of Appeals
   153.037   Appeals, by whom taken
   153.038   Rules of procedure
   153.039   Counsel
   153.040   Appeals
   153.041   Fees
   153.042   Specific duties and powers
   153.043   Review
   153.044   Interpretation
   153.045   Variances
   153.046   Special exceptions
   153.047   Bond for compliance/performance
Zoning Districts
   153.060   Establishment of districts
   153.061   Zoning districts map
   153.062   Interpretation of district boundaries
   153.063   R-1 Neighborhood Conservation District
   153.064   R-2 Low Density Residential District
   153.065   R-3 Multi-Family Residential District
   153.066   C-1 Central Business District
   153.067   C-2 Highway Commercial District
   153.068   I-1 Light Industrial District
   153.069   A-1 Agricultural/Rural Estate District
General Regulations
   153.080   General provisions for all zones
   153.081   General provisions for residential districts
   153.082   Uses not permitted in any district
   153.083   Agriculture odor control
   153.084   Nonconformities
   153.085   Site plan review and approval
   153.086   Special use permits
   153.087   Mobile homes on private lots outside mobile home parks
   153.088   Accessory buildings and structures; residential districts or users
Supplemental Regulations for Specific Uses
   153.100   Supplemental regulations for specific uses
   153.101   Mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions
   153.102   Design standards and conditions for certain uses
   153.103   Location of adult businesses
   153.104   Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA)
Renewable Energy, Wind and Solar Power Systems
   153.110   Intent and purpose
   153.111   Definitions
   153.112   Wind and solar renewable energy systems
   153.113   Wind energy conversion systems
   153.114   Solar energy systems (small residential)
   153.115   Large solar energy system (solar farm)
Amendments and Conflicts
   153.125   Amendments
   153.126   Public hearings; notices
   153.127   Repeal of conflicting ordinances
Enforcement; Miscellaneous
   153.130   Violations
   153.131   Conflicting regulations
   153.132   Interpretation of chapter
   153.133   Effective date
   153.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Zoning Map