(A) Description and purpose. The Light Industrial District is established for the purpose of designating certain portions of the village for industrial and wholesale uses such as manufacturing, fabricating, assembly, shipping, storage or warehousing of articles or materials.
(B) Uses permitted as a matter of right.
(1) Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging, treating and assembling from previously prepared materials in the production of:
(a) Food products, including meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, seafood, grain, bakery, confectionery, beverage and kindred foods;
(b) Textile mill products including woven fabric, knit goods, dyeing and finishing, floor covering, yarn and thread, and other textile goods;
(c) Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics, leather goods, fur, canvas and similar materials;
(d) Lumber and wood products including millwork, prefabricated structural wood products and containers, not including logging camps;
(e) Furniture and fixtures;
(f) Paperboard containers, building paper, building board and bookbinding;
(g) Printing and publishing;
(h) Chemical products such as plastics, perfumes and synthetic fibers;
(i) Manufacturing of engineering, measuring, optic, medical, lenses, photographic and similar instruments; and
(j) Jewelry, silverware, toys, athletic, office and tobacco goods, musical instruments, signs and displays, lamp shades and similar manufacturing.
(2) Wholesale establishments including automotive equipment, drugs, chemicals, dry goods, apparel, food, farm products, electrical goods, hardware, machinery, equipment, metals, paper products and furnishings, and lumber and building products;
(3) Warehouses, cartage business;
(4) Laboratories, including experimental, film and testing;
(5) Trade or industrial schools and veterinary hospitals or clinics;
(6) Motor freight terminal including garaging and maintenance of equipment, freight forwarding, packing and crating services;
(7) Central dry cleaning plant;
(8) Municipal buildings and public service buildings;
(9) Electricity regulating substation, pressure control substation and pressure control station for gas, water and sewage;
(10) Grain storage and milling, feed store, storage and sales of agricultural products and similar uses; and
(11) Major automobile repair including automobile body shops.
(C) Use permitted by special use permit.
(1) Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treating, assembling and bulk storage of:
(a) Chemical products such as drugs, soaps, detergents, paints, enamels, wood chemicals, agricultural and allied chemicals;
(b) Rubber manufacturing or reclaiming, such as tires, tubes and footwear;
(c) Stone, clay, glass, cement, brick, pottery, abrasives, tile and related products;
(d) Primary metal industries, steel works, refining of nonferrous metals or alloys rolling and extruding; and
(e) Fabricated metal manufacturing, including engines, machinery, electrical equipment, metal stamping, wire products and structural metal products.
(2) Pulp and paper manufacturing;
(3) Heating and electric power generating plants;
(4) Mining, processing and transporting of stone, sand or gravel aggregate;
(5) Paving materials, roofing materials and other related industries;
(6) Water supply and treatment facilities;
(7) Waste disposal facilities including incinerators and recycling;
(8) Automobile repair establishments, including body shops;
(9) Contractors’ yards and building materials storage;
(10) Lumberyards; and
(11) Veterinary hospitals, clinics and kennels.
(D) Accessory uses permitted when located on the same lot as a permitted primary use.
(1) Automobile or truck parking; and
(2) Signs as regulated herein.
(E) Bulk regulations.
(1) Minimum lot area: 20,000 square feet;
(2) Minimum lot width: 100 feet;
(3) Required front yard: 20 feet, except that where the two adjacent lots are developed, the established setback shall apply;
(4) Required rear yard: ten feet, except where the rear lot line is adjacent to a residential zone, a 25-foot setback shall be maintained;
(5) Required side yard: none, except:
(a) Where a building is not constructed on the lot line, a five-foot setback is required;
(b) The street side of a corner lot shall provide a ten-foot setback; and
(c) Where the side lot line abuts a residential district, a 20-foot setback shall be required.
(6) Maximum lot coverage: 75%; and
(7) Maximum building height: 40 feet.
(Ord., § 4.4(6), passed 8-5-1991)