2.44.010: Boundaries
2.44.020: Town Advisory Board; Created; Members; Removal
2.44.030: Town Advisory Board; Duties
2.44.040: Town Advisory Board; Members; Terms; Elections
2.44.050: Town Advisory Board; Meetings
2.44.060: Town Advisory Board; Finances; Audits
2.44.070: Town Property
2.44.080: Town Advisory Board; Organization
2.44.090: Town Ordinances
2.44.100: Town Advisory Board; Bylaws
2.44.110: Alteration Of Town Boundaries
2.44.120: Town Services
2.44.130: Town Employees
The town of Imlay includes all of Sections 8, 9 and 10 of Township 32 North, Range 34 East, M.D.B.&M., the South one- half of Section 4 and the South portion of Section 3, bounded by the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way on the north and the south section line between Sections 3 and 10 on the south Township 32 North, Range 34 East, M.D. B.&M., all as shown on the plan which is marked as Exhibit A and attached to the Ordinance codified in this Chapter and incorporated herein by reference. (Ord. 94 §1, 1988)
The Board of County Commissioners establishes a Town Advisory Board for the town of Imlay, Pershing County, Nevada, which Board shall consist of five (5) qualified electors who are residents of the area shown in Exhibit A attached to the Ordinance codified in this Chapter and incorporated herein by reference. Any member of the Town Advisory Board may be removed by a majority vote of the County Commissioners if the Board of County Commissioners finds that the removal of such person is in the best interest of the residents of the town of Imlay and upon removal of such member the Board of County Commissioners shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term of the member so removed. (Ord. 94 §2(A), 1988)
The duties of the Imlay Town Advisory Board are to assist the Board of County Commissioners in governing the unincorporated town by acting as liaison between the residents of the town and the Board of County Commissioners and to advise the Board of County Commissioners on matters of importance to the unincorporated town and its residents. (Ord. 94 §2(B), 1988)
A. The Town Advisory Board shall consist of five (5) members, designated as seats 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint members to fill seats 1 and 2 for a term of no more than one year, which term shall end on the first Monday of January 1990. The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint members to fill seats 3, 4 and 5, which terms of office shall end on the first Monday of January 1991. Thereafter, the Board members shall be elected for terms of two (2) years each.
B. The nomination procedure for filling positions on the Town Advisory Board shall be conducted in the following manner:
1. Any person who is interested in occupying a position must submit to the County Clerk, not earlier than sixty (60) days before the election and not later than thirty (30) days before the election, a letter indicating that such person desires to be placed on the ballot for a seat on the Town Board and such letter must have at least three (3) signatures of support from qualified electors from the town of Imlay. Persons signing such letters of support shall be limited to signing the number of letters for which positions are being elected in that particular election year.
2. Upon receiving such notification, the County Clerk shall then place such names upon the ballot at the time of the election.
C. The elections shall be informal elections to be conducted under the direction of the County Clerk. The County Clerk shall oversee the method of nomination so that positions are elected at large and those nominees with the highest number of votes shall be elected to the seats which are up for election. In the event of any problems or questions concerning the election the County Clerk may use the general election laws of the State for a guideline in carrying out the nomination and election. Only qualified electors who are registered voters residing within the limits of the town of Imlay are eligible to nominate, vote, or run for the Town Advisory Board.
D. All members of the Town Advisory Board shall be qualified electors residing within the limits of the town of Imlay as set forth in this Chapter. All positions on such Board shall be deemed nonpartisan and any vacancy occurring during a term of office shall be filled for the unexpired duration by the Board of County Commissioners. (Ord. 94 §2(C), 1988)