Legislative Intent
1101.01   Official name.
1101.02   Purpose.
1101.03   Authority and administration.
1101.04   Interpretation.
1101.05   Separability and severability.
1101.06   Jurisdiction.
1101.07   Amendments.
1101.01   OFFICIAL NAME.
   The official name of Title One of this Part Eleven, Planning and Zoning Code, shall be "Subdivision Regulations of Perry Village, Ohio", and shall be referred to herein as "these Regulations".
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
1101.02   PURPOSE.
   (a)   In their interpretation and application, the provisions of these Regulations shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. To protect the public, among other purposes, such provisions are intended to provide for permanently wholesome community environment, adequate municipal services and safer streets and highways.
   (b)   These Regulations are adopted to secure and provide for the following in accordance with the Comprehensive Development Plan which is incorporated by reference as if fully rewritten herein and made a part of these Regulations:
      (1)   The proper arrangement of streets or highways in relation to existing or proposed streets and highways and the thoroughfare plan.
      (2)   Adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, drainage, access of fire-fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air, and the avoidance of congestion of the population.
      (3)   The orderly, efficient, and appropriate development of land.
      (4)   The orderly and efficient provision of community facilities at minimum cost and maximum convenience.
      (5)   Safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian movement.
      (6)   The promotion of public health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare.
      (7)   The accurate surveying of land and the preparing and recording of plats.
      (8)   The equitable handling of all subdivision plats by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance by both approving authority and the subdivider.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
   (a)   A Comprehensive Development Plan having been adopted by the Commission according to statutory requirements, the Village Council and the Village Commission by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 711 of the Revised Code of the State of Ohio are authorized, subject to the holding of required public hearings, to adopt rules and regulations covering plats for subdivision of land, and to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove plats or subdivisions of land falling within their jurisdiction. Administration of the rules and regulations contained herein shall be the responsibility of the Commission.
   (b)   The Planning Commission, by virtue of the authority granted by the Statutes, Chapters 713 and 735 of the Revised Code of Ohio, or such Statutes hereinafter in effect, may prepare plans for unsubdivided or improperly subdivided areas to show a pattern of future streets and public open spaces. After the required public hearing has been held, such plans or portions thereof, may be adopted by the Commission and recorded, and thereafter no subdivision may be approved and no street may be improved or accepted, except that it conforms substantially to such recorded plan; and no permit may be issued for construction of a building or structure on land shown within the right-of-way of any proposed future street until such right-of-way has been acquired or reserved, however, such permit may not be withheld for more than ninety (90) days or such extended time as is mutually agreeable by the Village and the owner.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
   The provisions of these Regulations shall be construed to be minimum requirements and shall supplement any and all laws of the State of Ohio.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)