General Provisions
152.01 Statutory authorization
152.02 Finding of fact
152.03 Statement of purpose
152.04 Title
152.05 Definitions
152.06 Areas to be regulated
152.07 Official maps and revisions
152.08 Establishment of districts
152.09 Locating floodplain boundaries
152.10 Removal of lands from floodplain
152.11 Compliance
152.12 Municipalities and state agencies regulated
152.13 Abrogation and greater restrictions
152.14 Interpretation
152.15 Warning and disclaimer of liability
152.16 Annexed areas
152.17 General development standards
152.18 Amendments
152.30 General standards applicable to all floodplain districts
152.31 Floodway District (FW)
152.32 Floodfringe District (FF)
152.33 General Floodplain District (GFP)
152.34 Nonconforming uses
152.45 Generally
152.46 Zoning Administrator
152.47 Zoning agency
152.48 Board of Adjustment/Appeals
152.49 Review appeals of permit denials
152.50 Floodproofing
152.51 Public information
152.99 Penalty
This chapter is intended to regulate floodplain development to:
(A) Protect life, health, and property;
(B) Minimize expenditures of public funds for flood control projects;
(C) Minimize rescue and relief efforts undertaken at the expense of the taxpayers;
(D) Minimize business interruptions and other economic disruptions;
(E) Minimize damage to public facilities in the floodplain;
(F) Minimize the occurrence of future flood blight areas in the floodplain;
(G) Discourage the victimization of unwary land and homebuyers;
(H) Prevent increases in flood heights that could increase flood damage and result in conflicts between property owners; and
(I) Discourage development in a floodplain if there is any practicable alternative to locate the activity, use, or structure outside of the floodplain.
(Ord. passed 7-15-2010)