(A) The Zoning Administrator is authorized to administer this chapter and shall have the following duties and powers:
(1) Advise applicants of the ordinance provisions, assist in preparing permit applications and appeals, and assure that the regional flood elevation for the proposed development is shown on all permit applications;
(2) Issue permits and inspect properties for compliance with provisions of this chapter, and issue certificates of compliance where appropriate;
(3) Inspect all damaged floodplain structures and perform a substantial damage assessment to determine if substantial damage to the structures has occurred;
(4) Keep records of all official actions such as:
(a) All permits issued, inspections made, and work approved;
(b) Documentation of certified lowest floor and regional flood elevations for floodplain development;
(c) Records of water surface profiles, floodplain zoning maps and ordinances, nonconforming uses, and structures, including changes, appeals, variances, and amendments; and
(d) All substantial damage assessment reports for floodplain structures.
(5) Submit copies of the following items to the department regional office:
(a) Within ten days of the decision, a copy of any decisions on variances, appeals for map or text interpretations, and map or text amendments;
(b) Copies of any case-by-case analyses, and any other information required by the Department including an annual summary of the number and types of floodplain zoning actions taken.
(c) Copies of substantial damage assessments performed and all related correspondence concerning the assessments.
(6) Investigate, prepare reports, and report violations of this chapter to the municipal zoning agency and attorney for prosecution. Copies of the reports shall also be sent to the department regional office; and
(7) Submit copies of text and map amendments and biennial reports to the FEMA regional office.
(B) Land use permit. A land use permit shall be obtained before any new development or any structural repair or change in the use of a building or structure, including sewer and water facilities, may be initiated. Application to the Zoning Administrator shall include:
(1) General information.
(a) Name and address of the applicant, property owner, and contractor; and
(b) Legal description, proposed use, and whether it is new construction or a modification.
(2) Site development plan. A site plan drawn to scale shall be submitted with the permit application form and shall contain:
(a) Location, dimensions, area, and elevation of the lot;
(b) Location of the ordinary highwater mark of any abutting navigable waterways;
(c) Location of any structures with distances measured from the lot lines and street center lines;
(d) Location of any existing or proposed on-site sewage systems or private water supply systems;
(e) Location and elevation of existing or future access roads;
(f) Location of floodplain and floodway limits as determined from the official floodplain zoning maps;
(g) The elevation of the lowest floor of proposed buildings and any fill using the vertical datum from the adopted study, either National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) or North American Vertical Datum (NAVD);
(3) Data requirements to analyze developments.
(a) The applicant shall provide all survey data and computations required to show the effects of the project on flood heights, velocities, and floodplain storage, for all subdivision proposals, as “subdivision” is defined in Wis. Stat. Ch. 236 and other proposed developments exceeding five acres in area or where the estimated cost exceeds $125,000. The applicant shall provide:
1. An analysis of the effect of the development on the regional flood profile, velocity of flow, and floodplain storage capacity;
2. A map showing location and details of vehicular access to lands outside the floodplain; and
3. A surface drainage plan showing how flood damage will be minimized.
(b) The estimated cost of the proposal shall include all structural development, landscaping, access and road development, utilities, and other pertinent items, but need not include land costs.
(4) Expiration. All permits issued under the authority of this chapter shall expire 365 days after issuance.
(C) Certificate of compliance. No land shall be occupied or used, and no building which is hereafter constructed, altered, added to, modified, repaired, rebuilt, or replaced shall be occupied until a certificate of compliance is issued by the Zoning Administrator, except where no permit is required, subject to the following provisions:
(1) The certificate of compliance shall show that the building or premises or part thereof, and the proposed use, conform to the provisions of this chapter;
(2) Application for such certificate shall be concurrent with the application for a permit;
(3) If all ordinance provisions are met, the certificate of compliance shall be issued within ten days after written notification that the permitted work is completed; and
(4) The applicant shall submit a certification signed by a registered professional engineer, architect, or land surveyor that the fill, lowest floor, and floodproofing elevations are in compliance with the permit issued. Floodproofing measures also require certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that floodproofing measures meet the requirements of § 152.50 of this subchapter.
(D) Other permits. The applicant must secure all necessary permits from federal, state, and local agencies, including those required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under § 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. § 1344.
(Ord. passed 7-15-2010)