119.01 Legislative findings
119.02 Definitions
119.03 License required
119.04 License application
119.05 License fee; expiration
119.06 Prohibited sales, delivery; signs
119.07 Minimum age to sell tobacco products
119.08 Purchase by minors prohibited
119.09 Possession by minors prohibited
119.10 Proximity to certain institutions
119.11 Certain free distributions prohibited
119.12 Vending machines; locking devices
119.13 Sale of individual cigarettes
119.14 Responsibility for agents and employees
119.15 Suspension; revocation of license; fines, costs
119.16 Use of premises after revocation
119.99 Penalty
(A) The President and Village Board of Trustees expressly find and declare that cigarette smoking is dangerous to human health; and
(B) There exists substantial scientific evidence that the use of tobacco products causes cancer, heart disease and various other medical disorders; and
(C) The Surgeon General of the United States has declared that nicotine addiction from tobacco is similar to addiction to cocaine, and is the most widespread example of drug dependence in this country; and
(D) The Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse concluded that the majority of the 320,000 Americans who die each year from cigarette smoking became addicted to nicotine as adolescents before the age of legal consent; and
(E) The National Institute on Drug Abuse found that cigarette smoking precedes and may be predictive of adolescent illicit drug use; and
(F) The present legislative scheme of prohibiting sales of tobacco products to persons under the age of 18 has proven ineffective in preventing such persons from using tobacco products; and
(G) The establishment of the regulations embodied in this Chapter 119 directly pertains to and is in furtherance of the health, welfare and safety of the residents of the village, particularly those residents under 18 years of age.
(Ord. 96-29, passed 11-18-96)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Any substance containing tobacco leaf, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco or dipping tobacco.
VENDING MACHINE. Any mechanical, electric or electronic, self-service device which, upon insertion of money, tokens or any other form of payment, dispenses tobacco products.
(Ord. 96-29, passed 11-18-96)
(A) Commencing January 1, 1997, and thereafter it shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale at retail, to give away, deliver or to keep with the intention of selling at retail, giving away or delivering, tobacco products within the village without having first obtained a tobacco dealer's license therefor pursuant to this chapter.
(B) Such license shall be in addition to any other license required by the village.
(Ord. 96-29, passed 11-18-96) Penalty, see § 119.99