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   (A)   The owner, agent, or legal representative of every business subject to this chapter, whether listed in the classification index or not, shall register the business and make application for a business license on or before the due date of each year; provided, a new business shall be required to have a business license prior to operation within the municipality, and an annexed business shall be required to have a business license within 30 days of the annexation. A license for a bar (NAICS 722410) must be issued in the name of the individual who has been issued the corresponding state alcohol, beer, or wine permit or license and will have actual control and management of the business.
   (B)   Application shall be on the then-current standard business license application as established and provided by the Director of the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office and shall be accompanied by all information about the applicant, the licensee, and the business deemed appropriate to carry out the purpose of this chapter by the License Official. Applicants may be required to submit copies of portions of state and federal income tax returns reflecting gross receipts and gross revenue figures.
   (C)   The applicant shall certify under oath that the information given in the application is true, that the gross income is accurately reported (or estimated for a new business) without any unauthorized deductions, and that all assessments, personal property taxes on business property, and other monies due and payable to the municipality have been paid.
   (D)   The municipality shall allow application, reporting, calculation, and payment of business license taxes through the business license tax portal hosted and managed by the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, subject to the availability and capability thereof. Any limitations in portal availability or capability do not relieve the applicant or licensee from existing business license or business license tax obligations.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   No deductions from gross income shall be made except income earned outside of the municipality on which a license tax is paid by the business to some other municipality or county and fully reported to the municipality, taxes collected for a governmental entity, or income which cannot be included for computation of the tax pursuant to state or federal law. Properly apportioned income from business in interstate commerce shall be included in the calculation of gross income and is not exempted. The applicant shall have the burden to establish the right to exempt income by satisfactory records and proof.
   (B)   No person shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter by reason of the lack of an established place of business within the municipality, unless exempted by state or federal law. The License Official shall determine the appropriate classification for each business in accordance with the latest issue of NAICS. No person shall be exempt from this chapter by reason of the payment of any other tax, unless exempted by state law, and no person shall be relieved of liability for payment of any other tax or fee by reason of application of this chapter.
   (C)   Wholesalers are exempt from business license taxes unless they maintain warehouses or distribution establishments within the municipality. A wholesale transaction involves a sale to an individual who will resell the goods and includes delivery of the goods to the reseller. It does not include a sale of goods to a user or consumer.
   (D)   A charitable organization shall be exempt from the business license tax on its gross income unless it is deemed a business subject to a business license tax on all or part of its gross income as provided in this section. A charitable organization, or any affiliate of a charitable organization, that reports income from for-profit activities or unrelated business income for federal income tax purposes to the Internal Revenue Service shall be deemed a business subject to a business license tax on the part of its gross income from such for-profit activities or unrelated business income.
   (E)   A charitable organization shall be deemed a business subject to a business license tax on its total gross income if (1) any net proceeds of operation, after necessary expenses of operation, inure to the benefit of any individual or any entity that is not itself a charitable organization as defined in this chapter; or (2) any net proceeds of operation, after necessary expenses of operation, are used for a purpose other than a charitable purpose as defined in this chapter. Excess benefits or compensation in any form beyond fair market value to a sponsor, organizer, officer, director, trustee, or person with ultimate control of the organization shall not be deemed a necessary expense of operation.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   It shall be unlawful for any person subject to the provisions of this chapter to make a false application for a business license or to give or file, or direct the giving or filing of, any false information with respect to the license or tax required by this chapter.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   All persons shall display the license issued to them on the original form provided by the License Official in a conspicuous place in the business establishment at the address shown on the license. A transient or non-resident shall carry the license upon his person or in a vehicle used in the business readily available for inspection by any authorized agent of the municipality.
   (B)   A change of address must be reported to the License Official within ten days after removal of the business to a new location and the license will be valid at the new address upon written notification by the License Official and compliance with zoning and building codes. Failure to obtain the approval of the License Official for a change of address shall invalidate the license and subject the licensee to prosecution for doing business without a license. A business license shall not be transferable, and a transfer of controlling interest shall be considered a termination of the old business and the establishment of a new business requiring a new business license, based on old business income.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   The License Official shall administer the provisions of this chapter, collect business license taxes, issue licenses, make or initiate investigations and audits to ensure compliance, initiate denial or suspension and revocation procedures, report violations to the Municipal Attorney, assist in prosecution of violators, produce forms, undertake reasonable procedures relating to the administration of this chapter, and perform such other duties as may be duly assigned.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter, the License Official or other authorized agent of the municipality is empowered to enter upon the premises of any person subject to this chapter to make inspections and to examine and audit books and records. It shall be unlawful for any such person to fail or refuse to make available the necessary books and records. In the event an audit or inspection reveals that the licensee has filed false information, the costs of the audit shall be added to the correct business license tax and late penalties in addition to other penalties provided herein. Each day of failure to pay the proper amount of business license tax shall constitute a separate offense.
   (B)   The License Official shall have the authority to make inspections and conduct audits of businesses to ensure compliance with this chapter. Financial information obtained by inspections and audits shall not be deemed public records, and the License Official shall not release the amount of business license taxes paid or the reported gross income of any person by name without written permission of the licensee, except as authorized by this chapter, state or federal law, or proper judicial order. Statistics compiled by classifications are public records.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   Assessments, payments under protest, and appeals of assessment shall be allowed and conducted by the municipality pursuant to the provisions of S.C. Code § 6-1-410, as amended. In preparing an assessment, the License Official may examine such records of the business or any other available records as may be appropriate and conduct such investigations and statistical surveys as the License Official may deem appropriate to assess a business license tax and penalties as provided herein.
   (B)   The License Official shall establish a uniform local procedure consistent with S.C. Code § 6-1-410 for hearing an application for adjustment of assessment and issuing a notice of final assessment; provided that for particular types of business licenses, including without limitation for business licenses issued to businesses subject to business license taxes under S.C. Code Title 58, Ch. 9, Art. 20 and Title 38, Chs. 7 and 45, the municipality, by separate ordinance, may establish a different procedure and may delegate one or more rights, duties, and functions hereunder to the Municipal Association of South Carolina.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   For non-payment of all or any part of the correct business license tax, the License Official shall impose and collect a late penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax for each month or portion thereof after the due date until paid. Penalties shall not be waived. If any business license tax remains unpaid for 60 days after its due date, the License Official shall report it to the Municipal Attorney for appropriate legal action.
   (B)   Partial payment may be accepted by the License Official to toll imposition of penalties on the portion paid; provided, however, no business license shall be issued or renewed until the full amount of the tax due, with penalties, has been paid.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
§ 110.13 NOTICES.
   The License Official may, but shall not be required to, mail written notices that business license taxes are due. If notices are not mailed, there shall be published a notice of the due date in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality three times prior to the due date in each year. Failure to receive notice shall not constitute a defense to prosecution for failure to pay the tax due or grounds for waiver of penalties.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)