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   110.01   License required
   110.02   Definitions
   110.03   Purpose and duration
   110.04   Business license tax; refund
   110.05   Registration required
   110.06   Deductions, exemptions, and charitable organizations
   110.07   False application unlawful
   110.08   Display and transfer
   110.09   Administration of chapter
   110.10   Inspection and audits
   110.11   Assessments; payment under protest; appeal
   110.12   Delinquent license taxes; partial payment
   110.13   Notices
   110.14   Denial of license
   110.15   Suspension or revocation of license
   110.16   Appeals to Council or its designee
   110.17   Consent, franchise, or license required for use of streets
   110.18   Confidentiality
   110.19   Severability
   110.20   Classification and rates
   110.99   Penalty
   Appendix A   Business license rate schedule
   Appendix B   Business license class schedule by NAICS code
   Every person engaged or intending to engage in any business, calling, occupation, profession, or activity with the object of gain, benefit, or advantage, in whole or in part within the limits of the Town of Pendleton, South Carolina, is required to pay an annual license tax for the privilege of doing business and obtain a business license as herein provided.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS. Any business, calling, occupation, profession, or activity engaged in with the object of gain, benefit, or advantage, either directly or indirectly.
   CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION. An organization that is determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be exempt from federal income taxes under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (10) or (19).
   CHARITABLE PURPOSE. A benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or eleemosynary purpose that does not result in personal gain to a sponsor, organizer, officer, director, trustee, or person with ultimate control of the organization.
   CLASSIFICATION. That division of businesses by NAICS codes subject to the same license rate as determined by a calculated index of ability to pay based on national averages, benefits, equalization of tax burden, relationships of services, or other basis deemed appropriate by the Council.
   COUNCIL. The Town Council of the Town of Pendleton.
   DOMICILE. A principal place from which the trade or business of a licensee is conducted, directed, or managed. For purposes of this chapter, a licensee may be deemed to have more than one domicile.
   GROSS INCOME. The gross receipts or gross revenue of a business, received or accrued for one calendar or fiscal year collected or to be collected from business done within the municipality. If the licensee has a domicile within the municipality, business done within the municipality shall include all gross receipts or revenue received or accrued by such licensee. If the licensee does not have a domicile within the municipality, business done within the municipality shall include only gross receipts or revenue received or accrued within the municipality. In all cases, if the licensee pays a business license tax to another county or municipality, then the licensee's gross income for the purpose of computing the tax within the municipality must be reduced by the amount of revenues or receipts taxed in the other county or municipality and fully reported to the municipality. GROSS INCOME for business license tax purposes shall not include taxes collected for a governmental entity, escrow funds, or funds that are the property of a third party. The value of bartered goods or trade-in merchandise shall be included in gross income. The gross receipts or gross revenues for business license purposes may be verified by inspection of returns and reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service, the South Carolina Department of Revenue, the South Carolina Department of Insurance, or other government agencies. In calculating gross income for certain businesses, the following rules shall apply:
      (1)   Gross income for agents shall be calculated on gross commissions received or retained, unless otherwise specified. If commissions are divided with other brokers or agents, then only the amount retained by the broker or agent is considered gross income.
      (2)   Except as specifically required by S.C. Code § 38-7-20, gross income for insurance companies shall be calculated on gross premiums written.
      (3)   Gross income for manufacturers of goods or materials with a location in the municipality shall be calculated on the lesser of (a) gross revenues or receipts received or accrued from business done at the location; (b) the amount of income allocated and apportioned to that location by the business for purposes of the business's state income tax return; or (c) the amount of expenses attributable to the location as a cost center of the business. Licensees reporting gross income under this provision shall have the burden to establish the amount and method of calculation by satisfactory records and proof. Manufacturers include those taxpayers reporting a manufacturing principal business activity code on their federal income tax returns.
   LICENSE OFFICIAL. A person designated to administer this chapter. Notwithstanding the designation of a primary License Official, the municipality may designate one or more alternate License Officials to administer particular types of business licenses, including without limitation for business licenses issued to businesses subject to business license taxes under S.C. Code Title 58, Ch. 9, Art. 20 and Title 38, Chs. 7 and 45.
   LICENSEE. The business, the person applying for the license on behalf of the business, an agent or legal representative of the business, a person who receives any part of the net profit of the business, or a person who owns or exercises control of the business.
   MUNICIPALITY. The Town of Pendleton, South Carolina.
   NAICS. The North American Industry Classification System for the United States published under the auspices of the federal Office of Management and Budget.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, cooperative non-profit membership, corporation, joint venture, association, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate, holding company, or other group or combination acting as a unit, in the singular or plural, and the agent or employee having charge or control of a business in the absence of the principal.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   The business license required by this chapter is for the purpose of providing such regulation as may be required for the business subject thereto and for the purpose of raising revenue for the general fund through a privilege tax. Except as set forth below for business licenses issued to contractors with respect to specific construction projects, each yearly license shall be issued for the 12-month period of May 1 to April 30. A business license issued for a construction contract may, at the request of the licensee, be stated to expire at the completion of the construction project; provided, any such business license may require that the licensee file, by each April 30 during the continuation of the construction project, a statement of compliance, including but not limited to a revised estimate of the value of the contract. If any revised estimate of the final value of such project exceeds the amount for which the business license was issued, the licensee shall be required to pay a license fee at the then-prevailing rate on the excess amount. The provisions of this chapter and the rates herein shall remain in effect from year to year as amended by the Council.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   The required business license tax shall be paid for each business subject hereto according to the applicable rate classification on or before the due date of April 30 in each year, except for those businesses in Rate Class 8 for which a different due date is specified. Late payments shall be subject to penalties as set forth in § 110.12 hereof, except that admitted insurance companies may pay before June 1 without penalty.
   (B)   A separate license shall be required for each place of business and for each classification or business conducted at one place. If gross income cannot be separated for classifications at one location, the business license tax shall be computed on the combined gross income for the classification requiring the highest rate. The business license tax must be computed based on the licensee's gross income for the calendar year preceding the due date, for the licensee's 12-month fiscal year preceding the due date, or on a 12-month projected income based on the monthly average for a business in operation for less than one year. The business license tax for a new business must be computed on the estimated probable gross income for the balance of the license year. A business license related to construction contract projects may be issued on a per-project basis, at the option of the taxpayer. No refund shall be made for a business that is discontinued.
   (C)   A licensee that submits a payment greater than the amount owed may request a refund. To be considered, a refund request must be submitted in writing to the municipality before the June 1 immediately following the April 30 on which the payment was due and must be supported by adequate documentation supporting the refund request. The municipality shall approve or deny the refund request, and if approved shall issue the refund to the business, within 30 days after receipt of the request.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   The owner, agent, or legal representative of every business subject to this chapter, whether listed in the classification index or not, shall register the business and make application for a business license on or before the due date of each year; provided, a new business shall be required to have a business license prior to operation within the municipality, and an annexed business shall be required to have a business license within 30 days of the annexation. A license for a bar (NAICS 722410) must be issued in the name of the individual who has been issued the corresponding state alcohol, beer, or wine permit or license and will have actual control and management of the business.
   (B)   Application shall be on the then-current standard business license application as established and provided by the Director of the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office and shall be accompanied by all information about the applicant, the licensee, and the business deemed appropriate to carry out the purpose of this chapter by the License Official. Applicants may be required to submit copies of portions of state and federal income tax returns reflecting gross receipts and gross revenue figures.
   (C)   The applicant shall certify under oath that the information given in the application is true, that the gross income is accurately reported (or estimated for a new business) without any unauthorized deductions, and that all assessments, personal property taxes on business property, and other monies due and payable to the municipality have been paid.
   (D)   The municipality shall allow application, reporting, calculation, and payment of business license taxes through the business license tax portal hosted and managed by the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, subject to the availability and capability thereof. Any limitations in portal availability or capability do not relieve the applicant or licensee from existing business license or business license tax obligations.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)
   (A)   No deductions from gross income shall be made except income earned outside of the municipality on which a license tax is paid by the business to some other municipality or county and fully reported to the municipality, taxes collected for a governmental entity, or income which cannot be included for computation of the tax pursuant to state or federal law. Properly apportioned income from business in interstate commerce shall be included in the calculation of gross income and is not exempted. The applicant shall have the burden to establish the right to exempt income by satisfactory records and proof.
   (B)   No person shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter by reason of the lack of an established place of business within the municipality, unless exempted by state or federal law. The License Official shall determine the appropriate classification for each business in accordance with the latest issue of NAICS. No person shall be exempt from this chapter by reason of the payment of any other tax, unless exempted by state law, and no person shall be relieved of liability for payment of any other tax or fee by reason of application of this chapter.
   (C)   Wholesalers are exempt from business license taxes unless they maintain warehouses or distribution establishments within the municipality. A wholesale transaction involves a sale to an individual who will resell the goods and includes delivery of the goods to the reseller. It does not include a sale of goods to a user or consumer.
   (D)   A charitable organization shall be exempt from the business license tax on its gross income unless it is deemed a business subject to a business license tax on all or part of its gross income as provided in this section. A charitable organization, or any affiliate of a charitable organization, that reports income from for-profit activities or unrelated business income for federal income tax purposes to the Internal Revenue Service shall be deemed a business subject to a business license tax on the part of its gross income from such for-profit activities or unrelated business income.
   (E)   A charitable organization shall be deemed a business subject to a business license tax on its total gross income if (1) any net proceeds of operation, after necessary expenses of operation, inure to the benefit of any individual or any entity that is not itself a charitable organization as defined in this chapter; or (2) any net proceeds of operation, after necessary expenses of operation, are used for a purpose other than a charitable purpose as defined in this chapter. Excess benefits or compensation in any form beyond fair market value to a sponsor, organizer, officer, director, trustee, or person with ultimate control of the organization shall not be deemed a necessary expense of operation.
(Ord. 21-14, passed 12-6-21)