General Provisions
91.01 Walking dog or cat; defecation on property of others prohibited
91.02 Bird sanctuary
91.03 Feeding wild ducks prohibited
91.04 Wild and exotic animals
91.05 Animal displays or exhibits
91.10 Licensing, vaccination regulations of county to apply
91.11 Barking, noisy dogs prohibited
91.12 [Reserved]
91.13 Straying onto, damaging property of another prohibited
91.14 Impoundment of strays; payment of costs for release
91.15 Nuisance and dangerous dogs
91.16 When warning signs required
91.17 Tethering of dogs
91.99 Penalty
Inability to read utility meter due to presence of vicious or barking dog, see § 50.03
Statutory reference:
Dogs and cats to be sterilized prior to release from animal shelters, see F.S. § 823.15
Livestock running at large prohibited, see F.S. Ch. 588