§ 91.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating § 91.01 shall on the first offense be given a warning, and on the second and subsequent offenses, be punished by a fine of $20 for each offense.
(‘69 Code, § 4-1(d)) (Ord. 329, passed 6-4-73)
   (B)   The penalty for each of the offenses in § 91.15 shall be $100 for each occurrence.
(Ord. 852, passed 11-18-87)
   (C)   Any person, firm, or corporation found in violation of any section of this chapter for which another penalty is not already otherwise provided, shall be punished in accordance with § 10.99.
(‘69 Code, § 4-16(f)) (Ord. 37, passed 5-4-61; Am. Ord. 612, passed 8-4-82)