12.03.030: USE OF FEE:
   A.   All fees collected by the City by reason of the sidewalk utility fee shall be paid into the Sidewalk Fund. Such revenues shall be used solely for the purposes of the design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of the public right-of-way sidewalk system.
   B.   Each year, a portion of the funds generated by the sidewalk utility fee shall be set aside by the City Council for use in a matching grant program to assist property owners in the reconstruction or maintenance of existing sidewalks. The funds may also be used to construct new sidewalks for existing dwellings and commercial buildings of City of Payette utility customers. The funds shall not be used to construct sidewalks for new development.
   C.   The amount of funds set aside and the terms of the matching grant program shall be determined annually by the City Council after consideration of funds available and other proposed sidewalk projects.
   D.   This process shall be defined according to guidelines as may be adopted by the City Council by resolution. In no event shall such funds set aside be less than twenty five percent (25%) of the funds budgeted for collection during the ensuing fiscal year. (Ord. 1480, 2020)