16.04.010: Purpose
16.04.020: Applicability
16.04.010: PURPOSE:
In order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of present and future residents, and to bring about a coordinated and efficient development of the city, the following regulations for the subdividing of land within the city are adopted. (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: prior code § 11-15-1)
   A.   The regulations codified in this title shall apply to all subdivisions and development within the corporate limits of the city, or within the area of city impact as established by ordinance, including the following:
      1.   The dividing of any lot, tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more tracts, lots or parcels for transfer of ownership or building development that does not meet the criteria for a short plat under Chapter 16.26 of this title;
      2.   The dedication of any street or alley through or along any tract of land;
      3.   Any division or resubdivision of a lot or parcel into sublots except as provided in subsection B of this section.
   B.   The regulations codified in this title shall not apply to any of the following:
      1.   A readjustment of lot lines as shown on a recorded plat which does not reduce the area, frontage, width or depth of each building site below the minimum prescribed by any city ordinance or any covenant pertaining to said plat nor create any new lots.
A duly recorded or filed record of survey that conforms to Idaho Code title 55, chapter 19 shall be required for any lot line adjustment or adjustment of property boundaries between two (2) adjacent parcels. Such record of survey shall be filed both with the Payette County recorder and the city of Payette. In addition to the requirements of Idaho Code 55-1906, the certificate of surveyor shall be included on the record of survey. The survey shall also contain the original lot line(s), the adjusted parcel lines, the square footage of the adjusted parcels, correct street names, footprint(s) of all existing building(s) (with dimensions shown from the adjusted line), a note giving the zone standard in effect for the area or as specifically approved and a certification and signature of the city engineer verifying that the record of survey complies with state law, title 55 of the Idaho Code and with this title.
The adjustment of the property boundaries shall not reduce either parcel below the minimum prescribed by any applicable city ordinance or as specifically approved, nor violate setback requirements. The record of survey shall so contain all existing easements of record. Accompanying the record of survey shall be a new property description of each adjusted parcel. The adjusted property boundary between the parcels shall be marked at each endpoint, angle point, and where the adjusted boundary changes direction, with monuments that conform to the provisions of Idaho Code 54-1227. The city engineer shall verify compliance with this section prior to the record of survey being filed with the Payette County recorder.
      2.   A division of land into parcels of five (5) acres or more designated to be used solely for agricultural purposes, and which does not involve any new street dedication other than dedications widening existing streets.
      3.   An allocation of land in the settlement of an estate of a decedent or a court decree for the distribution of property thereunder. Provided however, that any development of any lands divided as a result of the settlement of an estate of a decedent or a court decree for the distribution of property shall conform to all requirements of this code.
      4.   The exceptions contained in subsections B1, B2 and B3 of this section are from the review and approval requirements of this code only. Surveys must still be prepared in accordance with these regulations and filed with the county recorder. A copy of any plat, amended plat or correction or survey plat must also be provided to the city engineer, city clerk. (Ord. 1482, 2020: Ord. 1337, 2011)