General Parking Provisions
72.01 No parking places and limited time parking places set forth by city
72.02 Parking at curb
72.03 Alleys
Method of Parking
72.10 General parking regulations
72.11 Unattended motor vehicles
Restrictions on Stopping, Standing, and Parking
72.20 Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places
72.21 Stopping, standing, or parking outside business or residence district
Disabled Parking
72.35 Definition
72.36 Applicability
72.37 Disabled motorist cards
72.38 Exemptions to parking restrictions
72.39 Parking prohibitions
72.40 Unauthorized use of parking space prohibited
72.41 Disabled person without sticker
72.42 Disabled parking permit issued by another state
Snow Emergencies
72.55 Announcement of snow emergency
72.56 Termination of emergency
72.57 Snow emergency routes
72.65 Officers authorized to remove vehicles
72.66 Duty of lessor of vehicle on notice of violation of this chapter
Zone Permit Parking
72.70 Zone permit parking
72.99 Penalty