8-4-1: Short Title
8-4-2: Authority And Purpose
8-4-3: Definitions
8-4-4: Public Nuisance Declared Unlawful
8-4-5: Enforcement Procedure
8-4-6: Penalties
8-4-7: Interference With Authorized Person
This chapter is entitled the CITY OF PARMA NUISANCE ORDINANCE. (Ord. 560, 8-23-2010)
This chapter is enacted pursuant to authority conferred by article 12, section 2, Idaho constitution, and sections 50-302, 50-317 and 50-1008, Idaho Code. Its purpose is to advance the public health, safety and welfare by providing a procedure for removing nuisances and rubbish. Any provision of city ordinance or code in conflict with this is repealed by this ordinance, which shall take effect upon publication according to law. (Ord. 560, 8-23-2010)
The following words and meanings apply when used in this chapter:
Any condition or use of property which is harmful or injurious to, or creates a danger of harm or injury to the health and/or safety of the public. The term is further defined so as to include, but not be limited to, the following:
A condition or use of property which:
   A.   Is harmful or injurious to, or creates any fire, traffic, safety or health hazard to members of the public.
   B.   Allows the existence of any sight obstruction, including, but not limited to, fences, walls, or growth of any weeds, grasses, bushes, shrubs, trees, or other plant life to such a size and in such a condition as to cause a traffic or safety hazard applying the measurements and standards contained in Idaho Code section 49-221, at intersections or other points at which driveways, lanes, alleys, or highways intersect.
   C.   Creates a fire hazard because of dead or dried vegetation, or other flammable or combustible materials kept or located upon the premises.
   D.   Provides nesting grounds or habitat for rodents, vermin, insects, or other disease carrying vectors.
   E.   Is an accumulation of snow, ice, vegetation, weeds personal property of any kind, or other object or material on any portion of a public sidewalk.
Garbage or waste of any kind, including, but not limited to: plastic sacks designed to store refuse; solid waste as defined in Idaho Code; animal carcasses and waste; construction or demolition scraps and debris; hazardous waste as defined by federal and state law; weeds; household appliances; miscellaneous equipment trailers or other property that is abandoned, stolen, wrecked, unregistered, or unlicensed and not enclosed in a building partially dismantled, wrecked, discarded, or otherwise nonoperating equipment, or unregistered or unlicensed motor vehicles or trailers, or parts thereof; tree, shrub and brush trimmings or newspapers and magazines or meat, vegetables or fruit exposed to air, flies or rodents.
Undesirable or objectionable and non useful plant growth, exceeding six (6) inches in height, including noxious weeds as defined by Idaho Code. (Ord. 554, 6-8-2009; amd. Ord. 560, 8-23-2010; Ord. 560, 4-9-2024)