“Employer” means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, government body, unit or agency or any other entity, whether or not organized for profit, who or that employs one or more persons on a salary, wage, commission or other basis of compensation.
(Ord. 1966-104. Passed 12-30-66.)
(a) “Net profits” means a net gain from the operation of a business, profession, enterprise or other activity after provision for all ordinary and necessary expenses either paid or accrued in accordance with the accounting system used by the taxpayer for Federal income tax purposes without deduction of taxes imposed by this chapter, Federal, State and other taxes based on income and, in the case of an association, without deduction of salaries paid to partners and other owners.
(b) “Net profits” for a taxpayer other than an individual means adjusted Federal taxable income, and “net profits” for a taxpayer who is an individual means the individual's profit, other than amounts described in Section 193.29, required to be reported on Schedule C, Schedule E, or Schedule F.
(Ord. 1966-104. Passed 12-30-66; Ord. 2004-36. Passed 12-13-04.)
“Person” means every natural person, partnership, fiduciary, association or corporation. Whenever used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty, the term “person”, as applied to any unincorporated entity, means the partners or members thereof, and as applied to corporations, the officers thereof.
(Ord. 1966-104. Passed 12-30-66.)