There shall be the following Assistant Clerks who shall receive compensation on an hourly rate basis
   (a)   Class A. This classification includes those employees who, through experience, natural aptitude and initiative, capably perform the operations required of them without supervision and who are able to supervise the work of other employees.
   (b)   Class B. This classification includes those employees who, while qualified as skilled equipment operators or experienced office clerks, lack the aptitude or initiative to direct other employees.
   (c)   Class C. This classification includes those employees who lack specialized skills and value to the Municipality but who, through initiative and willingness, are able to perform their duties without supervision.
   (d)   Class D. This classification includes those employees who lack specialized skills of value to the Municipality and who are unable to perform their duties without constant supervision.
(Ord. 1961-59. Passed 8-14-61.)