(a)    The President of Council, the chairman of any board or commission or the Mayor, at any regular meeting of the body which he heads or at any special meeting called by any such persons concerning matters pertaining to the City and its duties and obligations, shall be the presiding officer of such meeting.
   (b)   The presiding officer shall call such meeting to order at the hour appointed and shall proceed with the order of business. He shall preserve order and decorum, prevent personalities from entering into the discussions and confine the discussion to the questions and problems under consideration.
   (c)   The presiding officer shall appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms who, under his direction, shall preserve order and decorum and shall, at the request of the presiding officer, eject from such meeting any person interfering with the orderly conduct thereof. The Sergeant-at- Arms shall be a police officer assigned by the officer in charge of the shift during which such meeting Is being conducted.
(Ord. 1963-31. Passed 4-15-63.)