(a)   No later than ten days prior to the date set for the hearing on the application, each department to which the application has been referred shall file a written report thereon with the Planning Commission setting forth the recommendations for changes in the proposed use as submitted and conditions for approval, if any, necessary to bring such proposed use into compliance with any applicable ordinance.
   (b)   The Planning Commission shall hold one public hearing to review and consider the application. The public hearing shall be scheduled within 45 days following acceptance of a complete application and after the notice required by law has been provided.
   (c)   The Planning Commission shall review the proposed conditional use as presented on the submitted plans and specifications and consider the written reports and public comments made during the public hearing, to determine:
      (1)   Whether the proposed use is appropriate and in keeping with the purpose and intent of this Planning and Zoning Code;
      (2)   Whether the development plan for the proposed conditional use complies with the development plan review criteria set forth in Section 1133.10, as applicable;
      (3)   Whether the establishment and operation of the proposed use complies with the general criteria established for all conditional uses in Section 1135.08 and any specific requirements established for that particular use set forth in Chapter 1195, Use-Specific Standards in this Planning and Zoning Code and any additional requirements in the Parma Heights Codified Ordinances pertaining to the proposed use, such as but not limited to the Business Code.
   (d)   The Planning Commission may require additional plans and documents further clarifying the nature and extent of the use or any aspect of the application.
(Ord. 2021-3. Passed 1-25-21.)